Veronica glared at Wuchen fiercely, and then left with a look of anger.

It's a done deal, and nothing can be changed with her abilities.


About half an hour later, Veronica finally came, and this little girl was conscious. When she came over again, she really put on a black and white maid uniform. The perfect curve was undoubtedly revealed, with a bulging front and back. It makes people drool, and it can be called a stunner in the world.

In the bathroom at the moment, there were bursts of roars from Veronica.

"You guy, didn't you finish taking a bath before? You still have to take a bath now. The most extreme thing is, let me help you take a bath?!"

Veronica's pretty face is green, she should stop at how shameless she is, and she is also a princess of a country, what will others think of her when it spreads out in the future?

As a body of golden branches and jade leaves, he actually helped a man take a bath?It's ridiculous!

"None of my business."

Wuchen, who was soaked in the pool, did not cover it at all, and said lightly: "I only know one thing - now you are not some high princess, just a maid."

"Are there any other questions?" Wuchen asked flatly: "There are some words that I don't want to repeat a second time."

"......" Veronica stared at Wuchen, this guy doesn't seem to be afraid of being beheaded at all. I don't know what kind of sin was known to her father King Odwald? !

At that time, even if the sky is falling, you will definitely have to look for dust-free trouble.

"It's all this time, you still resist?" Wuchen narrowed his eyes and released a murderous aura.


The room that was full of hot steam turned out to be frozen, and even the floating hot air was frozen into ice slag.

"So strong!"

Veronica's body shrunk into a ball, and under the threat of this terrifying murderous aura, all the hair on her body stood up.

"It's no wonder that this guy dares to do whatever he wants, just in one thought, does he have such a powerful strength?!" Veronica's scalp is numb, if Wuchen is in trouble in this country, even if God bless the final defeat Dust-free, in the end, it is also a heavy loss.

"Don't worry, I don't like to cause trouble for no reason. As long as your country doesn't do stupid things, such as that Ge Lian, don't do brainless things like this, I won't find you bad luck." Obviously see through In response to Veronica's worries, Wuchen said slowly: "One more thing, your father, King Edward, is quite polite to me. As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water should be repaid by the spring. If you have trouble in the future, you can also come to me. helpful."

"Gongquan report it?"

Veronica looked straight at Wuchen, and then looked at her maid uniform, and said yin and yang angrily: "You said that you are forcing me to be a maid?"

"Uh...cough cough cough!"

Hearing this, Wuchen was stunned for a moment, his old face twitched, and then he smirked: "You don't understand this, I'm actually training you, only you can grow up if you forget your identity as a princess!"

"Fart!" Veronica snorted coldly. She was not easy to fool, and said suddenly: "What you call training is just trampling on my dignity!"

After all, she is also a princess, what is it now, a maid is not as good as a foot-washing girl!Simply a shame.

"Veronica, now you are just a flower in the greenhouse. After a little violent storm, you may die at any time. At that time, your life may be gone. You still talk about dignity with me? It's ridiculous." Chen said nonsense in a serious manner: "If you want to become stronger, you must first know how to serve people!"

"Bullshit! Do you think I'm stupid, what does the two have to do! There is no basic connection at all!!!" Veronica snorted, and then picked up the shower gel reluctantly to help Wuchen wipe her body .

The moment the skin of the two touched, Veronica's body suddenly trembled, as if an electric current spread throughout her body, and her little face flashed a blush that she had never seen before.

In the depths of her heart, there was also a strange emotion that she had never seen before. The most strange thing was that Veronica felt her body warm up after just touching it.

Chapter 12 I am very good at this kind of thing [Fifth more]

"Is this chick's body made of water? It's so sensitive." The dust-free monster smiled, put it close to Veronica's ear, took a breath, and said, "Would you like to play some fun games?"

"A fun game?"

For some reason, after hearing these words, Veronica immediately remembered the scene of being hanged up and spanked by Wuchen, and the face she had accumulated in her life was lost.

"You bastard, go play by yourself!" Without thinking about it, Veronica refused.

"Returning to the Jagged Valkyrie, she is nothing but a coward."

Wuchen muttered, and Veronica twitched when she heard the words, so she had to calm herself down, hoping that this broom star would get out of the way quickly.

But as the saying goes, good things don't work, and the last thing Veronica wants to see happens.

"Your father's place is not bad. Go and tell him tomorrow. I plan to live here for ten days and a half months." Wuchen said with his head in his hands.

"Bang! No, get out of here!!!"

The furious Veronica directly smashed the shower gel bottle and shouted: "Don't get too complacent, this is the kingdom of the Knights of Roja Raymond, not your home!"

"Only the royal family lives here." Veronica added, "You are not a royal family, not even a noble, you are just a commoner, don't break the rules!!"

"It's not easy to become a noble." Wuchen smiled and didn't care about it.

"Being a noble is not something casual!"

Veronica calmed down and explained: "Nobles are usually hereditary, or they have made great contributions to the kingdom. Another way is to become a dragon knight..."

"No, no, these are too troublesome, and there is another one that is the easiest." Wuchen smiled mysteriously.

Veronica looked surprised, "What else?"

What did you miss?

"If you marry you, you will suddenly become a noble, and you are still the top noble." Wuchen said with a smile: "This is a good thing for a lot of money."

"Go dream!" Veronica snorted proudly, "Even if all the men in the world are dead, I will never marry you!"

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