"Get rid of them all, I'll go catch Erwei."

Out of the corner of his eye, he just glanced at Wuchen, and the masked man walked away. If possible, he said that if Wuchen could hang up on the spot, he would definitely agree with both hands!

Regardless of Wuchen's reaction, Obito's body began to be swallowed by the whirlpool and slowly disappeared, as if it had never appeared...

"What's so cool... Your little lover, Nohara Lin, was killed by Lao Tzu. You know what the expression will be in the future, but I'm looking forward to it!"

He pouted, and after seeing Obito disappear, Wuchen couldn't help but whispered, the order in this kid's tone made him extremely disgusted, but considering the reason why his use value would be drained immediately, Wuchen also relieved.

It's impossible to meet a character who is about to be swept into the garbage heap of history!

"But you people should be cleaned up."

The eyes were straight deep, staring at the distant crowd, the dust-free face outlined a playful smile, just as he was about to take action to solve them, the sand layer under his feet began to tremble ~ trembling.

Dust filled the sky, yellow-colored smog swept in, and a sandstorm dozens of meters high covered the sky, dyeing the endless void into its own color, making it daunting, as if being guided by the god of the desert, surrounded from all directions.

There is no doubt that the only person who can use sand on such a large scale is Gaara.

"The battle is not bad, it's strong enough, but..."

A look of contempt appeared on Feng Qingyun's pale face, Wuchen sneered again and again, and the chakra all over his body began to run wild, like a black hole where the bottom line could not be seen. The terrifying fluctuations that erupted directly shook the ground slightly.

Wuchen sneered: "It's really fragile, this low-level technique wants to touch me? It's vulgar and ridiculous!"

The golden evil brilliance spreads out, the high-density rich chakra is compressed and molded, the thick skeleton is clearly visible, and it is assembled layer by layer.

In just a few puffs, the tall golden giant was exposed to the air, holding a golden sword, his Tongling-like eyes looked around, and then the long sword swept out.

"Boom boom boom..."

Susanoo is just an ordinary mature state, but the power is still destroying the sky and destroying the earth, casually underestimating a blow, followed by a mess.

The mighty sand and dust storm disintegrated in an instant, and the sky became clear again.


Numerous ninja coalition forces, Feng Feng, looked at the Chakra giant in horror, choking unnaturally, their faces full of shock, and those sharp and oppressive eyes could pierce people's souls.

My heart was involuntarily filled with fear, and the intention to retreat was born, and my footsteps began to retreat involuntarily.

"Don't be afraid, he's just a tree that can't support it alone, and we are so many that we can drown him with a single spit! We have nowhere to go, and the whole world is behind us!!"

Seeing everyone cowering for a while, Gaara raised his arms and shouted, his voice seemed to be full of magic. The frightened ninja coalition stagnated, overcame the fear in his heart, and resolutely looked at the indifferent Wuchen.

Everyone's eyes are full of wild beast-like madness, as Gaara said, behind is the whole world, shrinking is doomed, there is no way back, there is no escape, there is no escape!

"I don't know how to live or die... the means to deceive people are all good..."

The cold eyes stared at the group of ninjas below who had been beaten with chicken blood. The dust-free Susanoo zoomed in again, and the bright light was more intense and clear, like flowing gold, flashing with a scorching brilliance.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you surrender... If that's the case, then I'll send you to heaven together!"

There was penetrating frost on his face, Wuchen's whole person became gloomy, and Susanoo's sword of light was also raised high, just as he was about to kill them with a single blow, a very fast black shadow suddenly entered. sight.

The speed is extremely fast. Compared with Wuchen, it is more unyielding, and the domineering and invincible aura is even more daring to fight for the world!


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Chapter 348 The Unparalleled Uchiha Madara [Second More]

The thin red figure fell beside Wuchen, his messy hair fluttered in the wind, his indifferent eyes stared at the sky, his hands were held in front of him so casually, and the awe-inspiring gaze from his pupils reported that he was domineering, despising all things and beings, faintly revealing Fight against the vast sky.

There is only one such domineering person in the whole world - Madara Uchiha!

Seeing this, Wuchen also removed Susanoo, who was covering his body. The corner of his eyes scrutinized the spot, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was no trace of hostility, and then he loosened up, as if nothing happened.

Madara in red armor also fell beside Wuchen.

"It seems that there is a deviation from the plan, no dust..."

Madara Uchiha's face has clearly visible cracks, the pupils are dark black, and the whole body is lifeless. It is not so much a living person that can move on its own, but a walking corpse possessed by ghosts, lifeless.

Turning his head, a cold light flashed in his black eyeballs.

"Plan? If everything is as you expected, what's the point of me and Obito?"

He glanced at Madara calmly, and Wuchen said calmly, others might be afraid of Uchiha Madara, but he wouldn't, especially since he looks like Wuchen is not afraid.

Even if he has the perfect physical existence of the reincarnation of the dirt, Wuchen is not afraid. No matter what, Uchiha Madara is a dead person, Wuchen has no need to obey him, and there is no need to fear him.


Hearing this, Madara Uchiha just nodded in agreement, as Wuchen said, if the world is as smooth as he thought, there is really no need for Wuchen and Obito to exist, and maybe even the whole world has already. Falling into the ultimate illusion of "Infinite Moon Reading".

"Damn it, it's a mistake not to mention killing you..."

The murderous intent in his eyes exploded, and Wu Chen said with hatred, he had no intention of resurrecting Madara Uchiha, and even wanted to kick him away. After all, this guy is very sturdy, and his strength is unreliable. It came in a set, maybe he sold it and helped to count the money.

Especially at this critical juncture, Wuchen is extremely disgusted by people like Madara who may change the pattern at will.

"Find a chance to kill this unsightly guy!"

It's not only Wuchen who has this idea, but Uchiha Madara's heart is also the same. Although his face is normal, his heart also marks Wuchen as mortal.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with removing the uncertain factors in advance!

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