During this period, the entire kingdom was searching for the real culprit behind the corpse dragon incident. After a carpet-like search and door-to-door inquiries, they finally found some clues.

"According to the information we got, on the day the corpse dragon attacked, a man in mysterious clothes slipped into the palace... After the incident was revealed, he fled all the way, and finally ran to the border - the Sephalos Empire."

Veronica reported to Wuchen, she changed into her previous uniform - a female samurai uniform, and finally asked for a maid uniform. Seven days have passed, and she is no longer a dustless maid.

"Interesting, Sephalos Empire? It seems to be that guy." After hearing Veronica's report, a man wearing a mask appeared in Wuchen's mind all the time, "It's probably for Aike."

"That guy?" Veronica turned her head slightly, looked at Wuchen in amazement, and asked, "Listening to your tone, it seems that you have some impression of the villain who awakened the corpse dragon?"


Wuchen looked at Veronica and said slowly: "In your capacity, it's not appropriate to call him a villain. That guy is inextricably linked with your King Knight family."

"Speaking like this means knowing the law and breaking the law, and the crime is one more class, and that's a great evil!"

Unexpectedly, this little girl Veronica didn't appreciate it, she snorted, and said coldly: "No matter who wakes up the corpse dragon and launches an attack on the palace, even my own brothers and sisters, I will not bypass it. !"

"You are ruthless." Wuchen smiled but didn't speak, sat on the sofa and drank a sip of herbal tea, and then said leisurely: "If you guessed correctly, the attacker is Mikawus, who is probably fleeing to Let's go to the territory of Claus Withausen of the Sephalos Empire."

"Klaus Withausen? His family is the warlord nobles of the Sephalos Empire."

After hearing the name, Veronica's beautiful eyes shot a cold light, and her expression was a little embarrassed, because this person is quite difficult, Veronica's impression of him is extremely bad, this guy is extremely sinister and despicable, and he is also ambitious, deep down. A morbid obsession with war.

"Can you be sure that the murderer is him?" Veronica stared at Wuchen, "Is there any evidence?"

"No, it's just a guess." Wuchen put out Veronica's thoughts, and then said: "Let's think about it, if you need evidence for everything, can you catch those criminals? Others don't. Stupid, how can I leave you evidence casually."

"Having said that, but no matter what, the other party is also a noble, rushing into the Sephalos Empire to capture their nobles, which is no different from declaring war directly." Veronica said with a headache.

"That's your business."

Wuchen shrugged, then took out a letter of appointment and said, "This is the letter of invitation I received. It is the letter of appointment from Ansa Libang Dragon Knight Academy. Others invited me to be a teacher."

"Do you have Pal?" Veronica asked contemptuously, Aike couldn't turn into a dragon at all.

"So what, is there any difference?"

Wuchen was full of confidence. Seeing Veronica's suspicious appearance, he was not angry, and asked, "You mean, I'm not a dragon knight myself, so how can I teach those students, right?"

"Yes!" Veronica defaulted.

"I really don't understand this, but to put it bluntly, I used to just pass the time, you can understand it as a tour, and the Dragon Knight Academy can be used as a dormitory." Wuchen said slowly: "Just solved the problem of no place to live. question."

"You guy has no sense of responsibility at all!" Veronica looked at Wuchen speechlessly. He wanted to report this guy. On the surface, he was a teacher, but he actually went to play.

"I'm tired of your palace, it's time to change to another place." Wuchen stretched, "By the way, you have to be careful."

"You're gone, I'll be safe immediately!" Veronica pouted.

Since Wuchen came, she is no longer like a princess. Sometimes she is completely a servant, and she is called by this guy.

"The ruthless guy, still complaining about me? If it weren't for me... The last corpse dragon incident, your palace would have been killed by others for more than half, little girl, you must know how to repay your gratitude." Wuchen pulls Long voice.

"That's all your Pal's fault!" Veronica retorted loudly: "It is because of her that the enemy invaded the palace."

"Don't make excuses for your incompetence, or say..." Wuchen's eyes narrowed into a slit, "You Roa Simon Knights can't even protect the guests?"


Veronica turned her head, and was said by Wuchen to the pain point.

The enemy quietly slipped into the palace, which is a great shame.

"Give you a breakthrough point."

Wuchen tapped the table with his fingers rhythmically, and supported his head with the other hand, "The guards of your palace are actually pretty good, but that Mikagos ran in, what does that mean? Is it just a dereliction of duty? "

When Wuchen said this, Veronica's pretty face changed slightly, and she never wanted to think in this direction for a long time.

"Actually, you should also be aware of the problem, but it's just not easy to say it out of dignity and face, right? Because that would be a huge blow to you or your country, in terms of prestige."

The dust-free eyes are full of folds, and under these eyes, there seems to be nothing to hide.

"The guardian of your palace should be bribed by that Mikagos? In this way, he can invade like no one else."

Chapter 22 A few years in the blink of an eye [First Update]

Everything in the world is like this. It is clear that the heart is like a mirror. Sometimes it is just because of pure fear, and it is deliberately avoided or even unwilling to admit it.


Wuchen waved goodbye to Veronica and left the palace with Aike.

Looking at Wuchen's back, Veronica's expression was a little complicated, and she couldn't help but blame herself. The task her father gave her to keep Wuchen was never completed.

A few days later, Wuchen and Aike arrived at Ansa Libang Dragon Knight Academy, and a new life began.


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and time is always passing by in a trance. When I look back, it seems that years have passed.

In the simple office, a slim pink-haired girl sat on the sofa. The table in front of her was full of various kinds of rich snacks. The variety was dazzling.

"After so many years, the character of a foodie hasn't changed at all." The young man standing by the window looked back leisurely.

This person is Wuchen. Several years have passed, and the years have not left any traces on his face. On the other hand, Aike, the original child has become a sexy and mature beautiful girl.

"Hey, I'm not forgetting the original intention!" Wiping the residue on the corner of his mouth, Aike answered sternly, "Do you know how many people envy me, other girls are afraid of gaining weight and getting out of shape, so they don't dare to Eat more, only I will enjoy it instead of them!"

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