"Then what are you going to do next?" Aike asked in a muffled voice.

"It goes without saying, of course, I went to the capital to get married." Wuchen said without hesitation: "Go to the capital, and then all the mysteries will be solved."

"I heard that the king also invited people from other countries to participate, and the scene was quite grand." Wuchen said, he didn't know about this, it was Veronica who told him.

"However, before that, other trivial matters need to be settled." A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Wuchen's face, which looked eerie.

"I don't know which unfortunate person was targeted by this guy, it's so pitiful!" Aike shuddered, although he didn't know who Wuchen was targeting, there was no doubt that that person must be unlucky.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was evening, and the night was slowly coming.


At this moment, a shadowy figure skillfully invaded the academy, bypassing the layers of guards, and walking all the way, as if looking for something.

Chapter 60 The Truth Comes Out [First Update]

This shadow's actions are very vigorous and skillful. Many of the alarms set by the academy have been dexterously avoided by him. Obviously, this person has a deep understanding of the Ansari State Dragon Knight Academy.

Almost every dangerous institution and surveillance have been avoided.

"It's finally here..."

The man finally stopped in front of an old castle, he tore off the mask of his face, and a rather handsome cheek was exposed to the water.

It's Ash Blake!


Inside the ancient castle, there was a heart-wrenching roar, which made goosebumps goosebumps. The penetrating power of this sound was too strong.

If Wuchen is here, he will definitely recognize that he has been here before, because it is where the holy dragon Gawain is located!

"This Pal...is mine!"

Ashe Blake had endless ambition on his cheeks, and walked in excitedly. He was different from the other dragon knights in the academy. Compared with him, those people can be said to be mediocre, because Ashe Blake can ride all the dragon.

His Pal was killed by Wuchen, and this abandoned holy dragon, Gawain, seems to be very good, and he has long been attracted by him.

What surprised Ashley the most was that he secretly sent star essence to Gawain before, but he didn't resist and accepted it happily. That's why he had the idea of ​​taking Gawain for his own use. Anyway, he has been abandoned by others. .

"Oops... Sure enough, it's your kid, you didn't make me wait in vain."

A black image emerged from a different dimension and blocked in front of Ashublake. The kid thought it was an illusion and wiped his eyes subconsciously.

"You read that right, it's Lao Tzu!" Wuchen replied strangely, "I'm sorry if I scared you."

Wuchen suddenly appeared, not to mention Ashley Blake, even the others would be startled. This kid stepped back quickly, his face was horrified, his expression was extremely exaggerated, and his jaw could not be closed.

"I'm not a ghost, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?" Wuchen muttered speechlessly.

"You are [-] times scarier than a ghost!" Ashley Blake was terrified, with a look of panic on his face, "Why do you know I'm here? No one should find me!"

While Ash Blake was desperate, his heart was full of doubts. He had sneaked in these days, and no one had discovered his whereabouts, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

"Do you know what it means to be clever but be mistaken by wisdom?"

The dust-free face sneered and sneered: "Luka and Gawain have not been in touch for several months, it stands to reason that the star essence in Gawain should have been exhausted long ago, but when I came to check a few days ago, Accidentally discovered that the star essence in Gawain is still in a full state."

"What does this mean? It means that someone secretly came over to replenish Gawain's star essence. The dragon clan is only loyal to its own master. You are the exception. You can ride every dragon. The dragon clan does not reject you. Originally, I was just Pure speculation..."

"But seeing you now, I seem to have won the lottery." Wuchen said faintly: "You can come out too."

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

Wuchen's words fell, and there was a sound of high-heeled shoes twisting around, and Ashublake hurriedly turned his head to look, his face was extremely ugly.

Those who should have come, and those who shouldn't have come, Rebecca, Veronica, Sylvia, Nicole, these people have all come.

"Have you all discussed it?!"

Ashublake's expression was extremely ugly, and finally his eyes fell on Wuchen. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Is you the culprit? Did you inform them?"

"You said yes."

Wuchen shrugged indifferently, neither admitted nor denied, and asked lightly: "In short, you can't run away, let me ask you now, do you want to kill yourself or wait for me to do it?"

"Are there some..."

Rebecca couldn't help but open her mouth, but she just said a few words and then fell silent, because Wuchen's murderous eyes were looking at her, which made Rebecca have to shut up.

The price of angering Wuchen is something she can't afford.

"No, I can't die here yet!" Ash Blake sullenly roared in his heart, his scarlet eyes swept around the crowd.

"By the way... Before that, I have to announce something."

Wuchen suddenly turned around, looked at Sylvia with a smile, and said slowly, "Aren't you always looking for the person who saved you when you were a child? It's far away in the sky and right in front of you."

When Sylvia awakened Pal, she ran into Ashe Blake by chance, and the two went to Abion Forest together to perform the [Infant Ritual], but Sylvia was not gifted to become a dragon breeder, so Yasuo Xiu Blake forcibly gave his Pal to Sylvia.

So, at the beginning, even if Ash Blake added star essence to Gawain, Gawain did not resist, because Gawain was Ash Blake's Pal.

"That person...could it be Ash Blake?!"

As a princess, Sylvia was naturally smart, her pupils were enlarged several times, and it was dull. She looked at Ash Blake in a daze, her head was dizzy, she only felt that God had made a big joke with herself. .

Why did this kind of tortuous thing fall on her head, the benefactor she had been waiting for was actually her enemy?

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