Ruler endured the discomfort of his body, stared at Wuchen for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "If it's appropriate, I want to join forces with you."

"If you want to deal with the red camp, you can find the black camp. I think they are very happy to punish the traitors and eliminate the evil." Although Wuchen did not directly refuse, this means that it has been rejected.


Ruler smiled bitterly, his voice extremely weak, "I am the arbiter of the Holy Grail War, and if I deal with a few of them by myself, my strength is really far behind... But if you join the Black camp, you will be biased towards them. , this Holy Grail War will also lose fair competition, and I myself have become the biggest cheater, which is a humiliation to the ruler position."

Ruler explained stubbornly, Meimu looked at Wuchen with anticipation, "You are different, you don't belong to the black camp, and you don't belong to the red camp. To a certain extent, you are the same as me. "

"Anyway, I'm not interested in joining forces with you anyway."

Wuchen refused rudely, and said very realistically: "It doesn't benefit me at all, so why bother to join in and fight with their children."

The rulers are desperate.

& #160;

Chapter 8 Furious Mordred [First Update]

There was no one in the church, which was originally a very sacred place. At this moment, there were bursts of lavender smoke, which seemed dead and strange.

"You bastard!!!"

An angry roar resounded, and a large man was lying on the ground very weakly, his eyes were red.

If Wuchen is here, he will definitely reveal the identity of this person, it is the Lion Tribulation Realm Li who had a relationship before.

It's just that he seems to be poisoned at the moment, and his body is difficult to move, and in front of him, there is a handsome young man standing. Don't look so young on the surface, in fact, he is very old, and it is Amakusa Shiro Toshisada.


The lion robbery suddenly roared, and the curse mark on his arm flickered, and then suddenly there was one less.

Obviously, at the juncture of life and death, Lion Tribulation Jie Li directly chose to use the curse seal.


And Mordred appeared directly beside the Lion Tribulation Jie Li like a shuttle in space. Looking at him like this, Mordred's eyes suddenly burst into flames, "You guy, have you finally revealed your true form... I thought this place was wrong before, it was a church on the bright side, but after coming here, I felt an inexplicable chill, no different from a morgue where corpses were stored!"

"Ah Lie Lie... It's really rude to describe it like this." Amakusa Shiro Tokisada replied very casually, and there was no change in his demeanor, which was considered a default.

It is a church on the bright side, but a den of thieves in the dark.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

It seemed that he had suffered a fatal blow. The Lion Tribulation Realm vomited blood again and again, and he had no strength in his body. Even if it wasn't for his strong will, his consciousness would have fainted.

Although he could last for a while, but after a long time, he couldn't bear it.

"Poison fog?!"

Without saying a word, Mordred directly picked up the Lion Jiejieli, turned his head and left the church. The two stayed on the green grass outside.

It's not that Mordred doesn't want to go far, it's just because there are a lot of enchantments around him, and seeing the Lion Tribulation Realm like this, it feels like it won't last long. Unless Shiro Shiro Amakusa takes the initiative to solve this poisonous disease, he may faint at any time. Fall over.

"It's so embarrassing, Saber."

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada walked out of the church, and behind him was a woman, it was his servant, Assassin, who was the one who released the poisonous mist.

"Don't worry, I won't let him die. As long as you obey me, I will help him detoxify... After all, this guy is dead, and you, as a Servant, have to finish... This is for us Red Fang The faction is very unfavorable, in fact, I just want this guy to be obedient." Amakusa Shiro Tokisada explained helplessly, as if everything was forced, "He rejected my previous plan, it was a very important plan. , your fighting power is indispensable, so you can only stun him with poison, and I will issue orders."

"Hmph, as long as the head of this poisonous girl is cut off, the poison in the master will be automatically untied, right?" Mordred stared at Assassin in red, his eyes full of killing intent.

She didn't expect that Shiro Amakusa was so despicable. On the surface, he called them to come over to talk about the plan to attack the Black side, but he actually had hidden evil intentions.

"Just you? Just a Saber."

The red Assassin showed deep disdain on his face, and did not take Mordred in his eyes at all, "If the Master thought that you were still useful, one of you would have become a corpse, and the other would have vanished into thin air."

"How do you know if you don't try!"

Mordred gave a grim smile, her whole body was instantly covered in armor, her feet contained explosive power, and she disappeared with just a swish sound.

"Give me death!"

When he appeared again, Mordred had already appeared behind Amakusa Shiro Tokisada and Assassin, the red side, and the Noble Phantasm in his hand had already slashed towards the two of them.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

However, the tragedy was that before the blade fell, a large number of chains sprang out from behind Mordred, binding her tightly, her body and limbs were covered with chains, and she could not move.

"Cut, this damn poisonous woman, there are so many messes." Mordred struggled hard, but he couldn't break through.

"Saber, I won't hurt your master, after all, I still need your strength, the Lion Tribulation Realm just needs to be like other masters, he just needs to fall asleep and wait for him to wake up again. Welcome to our victory!"

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada said ambitiously, in those eyes, there was a dazzling light, and he was confident about everything!

"I have made a detailed plan, tonight we will attack the black camp's lair!"


Mordred just looked at him coldly when he heard the words, "What if I refuse?"

"Then I can only send your Master to death."

Shiro Amakusa said in a light tone, and he didn't feel that he was despicable at all, because all this was for human beings, and everything was for justice!

"You bastard!!!"

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