"No wonder Shiro Tokisada Amakusa is so afraid of you... A Heroic Spirit of this strength, in terms of heads-up, almost no one can beat you." The red side rider's eyes were solemn.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The spear suddenly pointed at Wuchen, he grinned, his fighting spirit was boiling, and he said loudly: "But I like to challenge a guy with a relatively high degree of difficulty like you."


The moment the voice fell, the red rider disappeared.

"It's really fast, but..."

Wuchen's pupils shrunk a bit, and then he saw the domineering release, and the surrounding wind and grass could not escape his perception, and he quickly searched for the position of the red side rider - the blind spot behind him.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


Wuchen released Shen Luo Tianzheng without any hesitation, and that repulsive force formed a 360-degree perfect defense.


An unusual movement came suddenly, Wuchen's brows couldn't help but wrinkle, he turned his head and saw that a golden spear had penetrated Shen Luo Tianzheng's defense and was aimed at his forehead.


After hitting the target, sparks splattered all over the place, and it didn't feel like it hit the human body. Under doubt, the red rider hurriedly retracted his gun and quickly backed away.

"What a hard head." The red side rider was surprised, it was the first time he encountered something he couldn't penetrate.

"Your gun is also very powerful. It is estimated that it has an extraordinary origin. It is worthy of being the son of God, and everything you use is extraordinary."

Wuchen rubbed his head. In the moment just now, his head was covered with a domineering armed color, so the red side rider didn't get a record.

If it was replaced by other heroic spirits, a blood hole might have been poked out of his head.

But even so, Wuchen still felt a slight pain, and I don't know how many years have passed, this is the first time I have this feeling.

"Come again!"

The red party rider once again broke out with a good momentum, but this time he didn't have the good luck just now.

"Xianfa · Mingshenmen!!"

A large number of red logs fell from the void, and the range was terrifying, falling straight to the red square rider.

And this kid, facing Mingshenmen, also showed great courage, not only did he not fear, but turned into a streamer and rose into the sky!

"Front hard steel Mingshenmen? Stupid!"

Wuchen pouted and sneered.

& #160;

Chapter 27 Deviating Sword·ea【Second More】

When the Mingshenmen slammed into the red side rider, I thought that this guy would be killed immediately, no matter how bad it was, it would be a bloody end. Who knows the result and the idea are completely different.


After the red log came into contact with the red square rider, it cracked like a dead wood, turning into a large amount of residue and scattered with the wind.

"This is...?!"

Wuchen's eyes showed a hint of shock, and he was extremely puzzled when he looked at Mingshenmen, which was automatically dismembered in an instant.

"Just let the horses come."

The red side rider went to that station and let the wood come to attack him. His expression was arrogant, like a domineering god.


No matter how many pieces of wood come, the end is the same as before. The moment they are about to hit the red square rider, they all split automatically.

"Is it because of that?"

Witnessing this bizarre scene, Wuchen suddenly thought of a possibility.

The Blessed Flower of the Brave, this is the mother of the Red Rider, a blessing of immortality bestowed upon him, which can nullify all attacks.

"Use any other means."

The golden spear pointed at Wuchen, and the red side rider was extremely confident. He had great confidence in his abilities.

"Do you know why that fellow Amakusa Shiro Tokisada sent me to deal with you?" Red Fang rider touched his chest, with a heartfelt respect on his face, "This body is blessed by the mother goddess, no matter what Attacks are useless to me!"

"It is because of this foundation that he sent me to deal with you."

"So, facing my immortal body, you have no chance of winning!"

No matter what kind of attack, it won't work on the red side rider unless Wuchen knows that weakness, but that's impossible, at least that's what the rider thinks.

"The body of immortality...? Dare to call yourself immortal in front of me? It's just a little trick, you really think it's a good thing." A torrent rushed into the depths of the clouds, and the huge sky courtyard was trembling.


The spiritual pressure beam of light pierced into the sky, and even the sky was blasted with a big hole, and the aura of destroying the sky and the earth spread out from Wuchen.

"Bang, kakaka!!"

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