Chapter 47 The past is cleared, Joan of Arc returns to her heart [First Update]

"You don't seem to believe it?" Wuchen raised his eyelids slightly and asked, "Can't I do such a thing?"

"It's not this..."

Jeanne shook her pale jade fingers and smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't believe it, but I feel a little inexplicable. You have no reason to resurrect me, right? And I wasn't killed by you before."

"Correct, although you are indeed not my opponent, but at that time... it was just that you voluntarily died at my hands." Wuchen responded: "I don't take advantage of this."

"So resurrecting me now is to make up for the guilt in my heart?" Joan of Arc's beautiful eyes blinked with starlight, very surprised.

"You're right to understand it this way... It's somewhat of a meaning in this regard." Wuchen nodded slowly, his deep eyes glowing with luster.

"Aren't you afraid that I will fight against you again? After all, I am a ruler, and it is my responsibility to maintain the rules of the Holy Grail War."

Joan of Arc said quietly, and immediately touched her fair face, feeling the residual warmth of her body, and still felt like a dream in her heart.

Resurrection from the dead... let alone human beings, things that even gods can't do, just work on themselves like this.

For Wuchen, it is a trivial matter.

"I'm so sorry, the Holy Grail War has come to an end. That kid Sieg may wish. As a ruler, you have fulfilled your obligations in this Holy Grail War... being resurrected is right. Your reward for doing a good job this time."

"By the way, there is one more thing you don't seem to be used to. Now you... have bid farewell to the body of the heroic spirit. Should you be able to feel the temperature and blood flowing in your body?" Wuchen squinted his eyes, enjoying Cool night breeze.

" really are amazing."

I moved my muscles and bones a little, and the cells in my whole body seemed to open up, and the cool breeze swept through every part of my skin, which made me feel very comfortable.

Joan of Arc's admiration for Wuchen went even further.

"Then there is one point, you can't deny it. The person who resurrected you is me. Now this life belongs to me, and everything in the past has disappeared." Wuchen's eyes opened, condensed.

"You bastard, there is nothing good about resurrecting me!"

Joan of Arc gave Wuchen an angry look, with an expression that couldn't help but laugh and cry.


Immediately afterwards, her words changed, and her tone was also free and easy like never before, "What you said is true, the grace of dripping water is repaid a hundredfold, not to mention the grace of re-creation, in the future... this Your life is yours."

After Joan of Arc finished speaking, she laughed. The bright smile on her delicate face was as warm as the sun and as pure as running water.

Even an old monster like Wuchen was lost for a moment and agreed too quickly.

"Why... you don't believe me?" Jeanne asked angrily with her hands on her hips: "My mother never lies!"


Wuchen heard that one head and two are big, this change is too big, before, she was still a gentle church saint, in a blink of an eye... old lady? !

"Could it be during the resurrection that there was insanity?" Wuchen whispered.


After hearing about it, Jeanne smiled sweetly and scolded: "You are insane. You are not only doubting me, but also your own ability."

"It's not impossible, people miss, horses miss... Maybe something happened when you resurrected you this time." As he spoke, Wuchen also smiled.


Joan of Arc's red/moist lips pursed slightly, her eyes were confused, and her tone also contained a trace of complexity and emotion that she had never seen before, and said, "This Holy Grail War has made me understand a lot... that was never before. never contacted."

"In this world...there are always places where the sun can't shine, and naturally there are also dark corners where the Lord's light can't shine. I used to be too naive, always thinking about saving everyone from despair, and always saving the world. As one's own responsibility, everyone knows that pain is a setback that a person must experience when growing up. Only after experiencing real hardship, a person will become stronger and go farther, just like a flower that has not experienced a storm will never be able to withstand the destruction. "

"Sometimes...helping others may not be a good thing, but it will kill the other party's idea of ​​overcoming suffering and make them more dependent on me."

"Surprisingly chatty."

Wuchen couldn't help giving a thumbs up when he heard the words, and said, "For whatever reason, it seems that you already have an idea in your mind, so in the future, the past will be cleared, and it will be like a normal person living."

"I think so too." Joan nodded vigorously, "Human life has always been beautiful!"

"It may not be very good for the time being, you still have to be my sword." Wuchen said softly, and then explained Zigxu's wish.

"Anything like this happens?"

Hearing that all the Holy Grails of the powerful heroic spirits of the red and black sides were resurrected, Joan of Arc couldn't help covering her mouth in surprise.

Each of those resurrected heroic spirits possesses extremely powerful combat power.

"But even the Holy Grail can't kill you, this is even more shocking to me."

Joan of Arc looked at Wuchen deeply, this guy has gone beyond the realm of recognition.

Even if the definition of Wuchen is God, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a humiliation for him, because he possesses magical abilities that even God cannot do.

"I think it doesn't matter, just take it as the last goodbye to this world."

Wuchen said casually, Joan of Arc was extremely depressed, this guy's heart is really big, if it was replaced by others, he would have been scared to pee.

Chapter 48 I'm Jealous, Help To Solve It [First Update]

"All in all, I will assist you with all my heart in the future!" Joan of Arc suddenly stared at Wuchen solemnly, as powerful as a vow, and her face was extraordinarily sacred.

"So good."

Wuchen smiled happily. To be honest, when he resurrected Joan of Arc before, he was still a little hesitant and hesitant. It would be bad if he resurrected this woman and went against him.

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