Wuchen can make her stronger, which is a fatal temptation for Fubuki to resist.


When Tornado heard the words, she was furious. She was so furious that she didn't know what to say.

Therefore, he vented all his anger on Wuchen and said angrily: "What kind of ecstasy soup did you put on my sister, she was not like this before, she has always listened to me very much, and now... bastard, all It's your fault!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

After finishing speaking, Tornado released all his superpowers, and Wuchen suddenly felt as if he was carrying the entire world so hard, walking was difficult, and Tornado showed little mercy under his anger.


All the surrounding earth collapsed, crushed by the ability of the tornado.


"Just to this extent?"

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

An extremely domineering spiritual pressure erupted from Wuchen, and the Bengyu in his body and the power of the spiritual king that had been integrated before all radiated wildly, venting like a god.


The tornadoes that were caught off guard in the sky were all shaken, and their faces were pale.

"how is this possible!?"

The tornado, which had retreated dozens of meters, couldn't help but look at Wuchen in awe, this guy... Where is the holy place?

Looking around, since Wuchen released all the spiritual pressure, the void is full of cracks like a broken mirror because it can't bear the majestic power.

"It's just a part of my power, or just my power as a god of death... but it seems that it's more than enough to deal with you."

Wuchen's unhurried appearance made Chuixue on the side obsessed, and she looked at Wuchen with great admiration, and she just released her own power to shake the tornado back. What kind of power is this? !

But then again, my sister was repelled by the enemy, shouldn't I be worried? !

Why does Buffalo look so excited! ! !

Chapter 7 I surpassed you more than two thousand years ago [Chapter Three]

"Who are you!?"

At this moment, Tornado was finally unable to despise Wuchen, her eyelashes trembled and trembled, and she could feel Wuchen's destructive power, especially the eyes that ignored everything, which made people particularly profound , even if Tornado had a sense of humility in his heart.

It's like a god looking down on mortals.

"How could there be such a guy, I have never heard of it before."

Tornado's beautiful eyes rolled violently, and this extremely handsome and handsome man in front of him definitely had the power to destroy the world under his slender figure.

"My name is Wuchen, you should be familiar with it." Wuchen replied softly, as for the tornado, he was at a loss.

Dust free?Don't know at all.

"Let's put it another way. You still have an impression of the ten tails yesterday. In fact, it's me. You have judged the disaster to be a dragon-level weirdo." Wuchen said angrily, and now he is still a little angry.

Weird people are all ugly, ten-tailed, is he that ugly!

These pedantic and stupid people!

"Are you the ten tails from yesterday?!"

Tornado was stunned at first, then looked at Fubuki furiously, "Fuyuki, is what this guy said true? Was that weirdo yesterday?"


Fubuki nodded, she saw Wuchen's ten tails with her own eyes.

"You bastard, I didn't expect to see you for a few days, and you have fallen to such a level that you are in the same boat as a weirdo. I am so disappointed, Fubuki!"

Tornado cursed in pain, while Fubuki lowered his head.

Although the outside world defines Wuchen as a weirdo... But Fubuki knows that Wuchen is not a weirdo, and he can tell from the way he looks at himself. His eyes are very clear and translucent.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, and Fubuki has his own judgment. That kind of pure and flawless eyes is definitely not something that a vulgar person like a weirdo can have.

"If I can become stronger, I don't regret it." Fukiyuki gritted his teeth and responded, "Sister doesn't understand how I came here after so many years, that feeling of living in the shadows... I'm really fed up!"

"Don't talk nonsense, kill this guy first, and then take you back to clean up."

Tornado glanced at Chuixue coldly, and then looked at Wuchen brutally, "My sister, it's really thanks to you for taking care of me!"

"Experience my anger well, Wuchen!!!"

Tornado's raised hand suddenly fell, and the world changed color in an instant!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The void suddenly became hot, and the previously blue sky immediately turned red, not only the location of dust-free and blowing snow, but also the nearby areas.

"In the end what happened?!"

Fuxue muttered to herself in a deep voice, and within a few seconds, she was already sweating profusely.

She had a bad premonition in her heart. This sister has always been lawless in her actions, and at this moment, Wuchen undoubtedly deeply angered Tornado, and it is possible to do anything crazy.

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