"Forget it, that guy must be very angry, it's not bad to have him follow me to be wronged..."

Saitama's brain began to replenish itself automatically, imagining the appearance of Wuchenqi vomiting blood...

It is understandable to have such an idea, after all, humans yearn for fame and power, and Saitama, as a human, also wants to be clean.

Too bad he didn't catch it.


This time in the streets of a certain city.

The people on the street have disappeared. Just now, there was a wave of terrifying mosquitoes attacking. There were too many swarms, hundreds of millions, and they condensed and covered the sky.

Nearby humans were scared away, and once caught by swarms of mosquitoes, a corpse was left.

"Oops... Why did they all run away, so who can provide me with fresh blood? It seems that I have done too much before, and the nearby humans have been scared away."

In the sky, a monster with the body of a mosquito and the cheeks of a human woman was talking to himself.

This mosquito girl is the culprit in controlling mosquitoes, that is, she gathers a large number of mosquitoes and controls them to attack humans recklessly.

Humans are often caught by mosquito swarms, and they are swallowed up in just an instant, and all the blood that hits is passed to Mosquito Girl, which is an important nutrient for her to survive and become stronger.

"Let's move to another place. There are too many creatures like human beings. Devouring some more can be considered to reduce some burdens on this overcrowded planet."

But not long after flying, she encountered new prey.

"That's... oh, two humans? Human beings are really stupid. Everyone around has run away, so there are only two idiots left. They look like they are walking, and they are not afraid of death. guy."

The mosquito girl flying in the sky stopped in the void, and her face showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

Following her line of sight, a man and a woman were walking on the ground calmly, without feeling the slightest bit about the empty environment around them. Looking at the smiles on their faces from time to time, they seemed to be talking happily.

"Baby, devour them for me!"

Mosquito Girl waved her hand, and the mosquitoes in the void came down again, and flew to the ground in an instant, attacking the two of them.

"Did you make a mistake, there are so many mosquitoes in the middle of the day?"

The dust-free and blowing snow wandering around on the ground are all looking up at the sky.

"I have seen a lot of reports on the news recently, all about mosquitoes attacking humans. This doesn't seem to be a normal incident. Humans who are attacked by mosquito swarms often become mummified corpses. I suspect this is some weird person behind the scenes. of."

Fubuki was indeed the leader of the Fubuki group, and her intuition was sharp. Looking at the mosquitoes falling from the sky, she didn't panic in the slightest, and something like this could not threaten them.

"You guessed it right this time. It was indeed the work of a weirdo, and looking at it like this, it seems that he is eyeing us."

Wuchen looked up at the depths of the cloud, and the mosquito girl roaming in the void didn't hide it on purpose.

"It looks handsome. I guess the taste of blood is also very beautiful. I can't wait to taste it."

Seeing Wuchen cast her gaze, she also looked down condescendingly, her mouth kept smashing, with a morbid and dangerous smile on her face, she was looking forward to it, always feeling the blood of this human being and his face. Just as fascinating.

"Is that her?!"

Fuxue's eyes became cold.

"Probably so."

Wuchen held his head in his hands, and then walked leisurely to the side to rest, "Just because there is no suitable person to accompany you to train with, let's try this guy, don't delay too long, Chuxue."

"Understood, Mr. Wuchen!"

Fubuki nodded vigorously, and at the same time she waved her tender little hand gently, as if it contained magic power, and all the mosquitoes condensed in the void fell like a torrential rain.

It is relatively simple to control the super power of Fubuki to deal with mosquitoes.

"This woman seems to be in control of some kind of supernatural ability, but it's nothing to worry about. It's that guy who looks like an uncle, what's going on?!"

At this moment, Mosquito Girl also noticed Wuchen, as for Fubuki... She didn't care much at all, because she had heard the conversation between the two just now.

Apparently the guy named Wuchen is the boss.

And the tone of the other party made Mosquito Girl very upset, and she completely treated herself as a little scoundrel in her words.

"Like your ration, I can solve it in one fell swoop!"

Mosquito Girl suddenly opened her mouth and swooped down, revealing her fangs and sharp mouth to bite Wuchen.

"Yeah... What's the situation, I didn't do anything and came at me?"

Wuchen, who was about to rest on the side, was speechless when he saw this scene. Isn't his own blood particularly attractive to Mosquito Girl?

"Human, bring your blood!!!"

Mosquito Girl swept to Wuchen in the blink of an eye, and her sharp claws had reached Wuchen's head.

It seems that it is directly intended to swallow Wuchen, and the method is bloody.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

It was at this time that a jet-black afterimage instantly appeared on Wuchen's face, and it was the cold and angry face of Fuxue.

"Take your dirty hands away and stay away from Mr. Wuchen!!!"


Chapter 21 Blizzard with rapid progress [First Update]

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