"What are you trying to do! Did you make a mistake? You even beat yourself up when you faint!" The chimpanzee muttered indignantly, "Don't you say that humans are all kind!"

"Human kindness? This is probably the biggest rumor in the world."

Wuchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't mean to be obsessed. He opened his mouth and said, "You are from the family of evolution? Why did you attack me? Shouldn't it be revenge for the waste like Mosquito Girl?"

"I don't understand what you said!" The chimpanzee shook his head like a rattle.

"Your experimental material is quite loyal." Wuchen gave a thumbs up, "but it's too stupid, blow snow, do it."

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

It was kicked up several times, and they were all deliberately attacking the bloody wound, and it was conceivable how painful it was.

"Stop hitting, I said, I said... I said it's not good enough!" The chimpanzee had a cold sweat on its head, and looked at Chuixue with great fear, with blue veins floating up and down on his forehead, don't look at this woman is very beautiful , but it just fits the word - beauty is like a scorpion.

"I'm from the family of evolution, and Dr. Kinos shot us to take you back," said the chimpanzee, shrinking its head.

"What's the reason? By the way... In the original book, the bald head seems to be taken a fancy to." Wuchen rubbed his head, suddenly remembering that Saitama was also being targeted by Dr. Kinos, because of his toughness body of.

Shouldn't it be the same reason?

"Dr. Kenos said that your blood can promote biological evolution... With you, he may completely rewrite the entire human race." The chimpanzee told the truth and did not dare to hide the slightest.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chuixue smashed the soil with one foot, and said fiercely: "You bastards, how dare you use Lord Wuchen as a test?"

Seeing this, the chimpanzee was immediately scared to pee, and quickly denied it, putting aside the relationship: "It's Dr. Kinos, not us!!"

He has been frightened by Fubuki.


Chapter 26 The catastrophe is imminent [first more]

"Do you want to use me as an experimental material? That guy's ambition is not ordinary." Wuchen's mouth was muttering, and more of it was ridicule and disdain.

"What to do next, Mr. Wuchen."

Fubuki made a gesture of wiping his neck, "That guy is not a good thing, or I'll go..."

"Forget it." Wuchen waved his hand and stopped: "You can't underestimate the other party, it's not enough to deal with them with your strength, these days you've solved all the little guys, the real big fish is still It wasn't released."

"Real big fish? Could it be that that organization still has a dragon-level geek?! It's impossible, a mere doctor, no matter how talented that guy is, it's impossible to create such a powerful existence as a dragon-rank geek." Speaking of the dragon-rank geek At that time, Fubuki's face showed an unconcealed fear.

If there really is a dragon-level monster, she is definitely not something she can compete with, and can easily kill Fubuki.

"However, that's the truth. Otherwise, why would that guy be called a genius? Those who can create miracles are worthy of the word "genius." A rather ferocious dragon-level monster, he is called Ashura Unicorn. Even an S-level hero like Genos was severely injured by Ashura Unicorn with overwhelming power.

"It's just..."

Wuchen's conversation turned and snorted lightly: "Take me as experimental material... This kind of unrealistic plan has come out, it seems that the doctor's IQ is only the same, it is good to have dreams and ambitions, Only this kind of plan with a probability close to zero has also been sold, and the big black spot shows that there is still no brain at all."

"You stay here for the time being, and I'll go search their lair." Wuchen ordered, looking at the injured gorilla, "You should lead the way, right?"


The chimpanzee's throat was choked, of course he didn't want to agree, and Dr. Kinos would definitely not spare him then.


"Huh? No promise?"

It happened that Chuixue's cruel eyes swept over, and the chimpanzee was frightened and nodded in agreement.

The bones on his arm were almost crushed, how dare he refuse.


About half an hour later, outside the Home of Evolution base camp.

Wuchen stared at the building built in the mountain in front of him from afar. It should not be wrong. On the surface, it looks like a long-abandoned dilapidated building. Huge building complex.

"I can go now."

The chimpanzee next to Wuchen said weakly: "Dr. Kenos' base is there, you can go by yourself. If he finds out that I brought you here, he will be angry and tear me apart."

"Fuck off."

Wuchen didn't embarrass him, turned his head and stared at the building in the mountain, and muttered: "It's too annoying."

"Wang Xu's flash!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

Between the gestures, an azure light beam flew directly towards it, with terrifying power, twisting and tearing the sky.


The next moment, an earth-shattering explosion sounded, not only the abandoned buildings on the ground were emptied, but even the buildings under the ground were destroyed by Wang Xu's flash.

Some defensive mechanisms were disintegrated before they could be activated.

"Damn, what the hell happened, pull out the surveillance video and see right away!"

In the previous wave of attacks, many clones died tragically, and there were countless experimental materials that were killed.

"There is no doubt that someone has invaded!"

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