"Cough cough cough..."

Wuchen, who couldn't stand it, coughed twice, but there was no use for chicken feathers at all. These people's eyes were red, and some people even went in with white knives and came out with red knives. The scene was bloody.

Wuchen is also drunk, can you respect Laozi, your enemy is right in front of you.

"Forget it, what nonsense are you talking about with your group of soldiers, just call it a day and go home to sleep." A dazzling light emerged from Wuchen's fingertips, looking at the clones that were fighting in front of him, shouting: "Eighth Chiqiong Gouyu!!!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

Countless bright light bullets shot out, the number was as dense as a torrential rain, and the big move of the glittering fruit was too suitable to deal with them.

"Bang bang bang... puff puff... ka ka ka..."

The clones of Dr. Kenos could not escape bad luck. They were all killed in an instant. The blood flowed into rivers, and the ground was covered with corpses. The killing crowd stopped in an instant, and the deaths were extremely miserable. Some people were pierced through their heads, and some Human beings were torn to shreds.

What's more... The whole body was blasted into a honeycomb, and a glass of water was poured from his mouth, it is estimated that dozens of places will drain out at the same time!

"go home."

Wuchen glanced at it, and after confirming that there was no opening, turned his head and left.


It's just that before taking a few steps, a shrill alarm sounded, and Wuchen frowned suddenly.

Boom! ! !

At the same time, a strong vibration came from a certain direction.

"Is it there? It seems that some creature is rushing over."

Wuchen looked at a closed iron door, and this unusual vibration came from there.


Before the creature rushed out, there were countless screams and the sound of bones being torn. It is estimated that some survivors have been wiped out by this monster.

"Could it be that a clone released the Asura unicorn before dying?"

Wuchen narrowed his eyes, this possibility is very high.


The vibration was getting closer and closer, and the walls began to collapse. Wuchen also felt the powerful breath of the monster. A sharp edge flashed in his eyes. This kind of powerful power is indeed not something that ordinary weirdos can have. The dragon-level monsters that arrived were exactly the same.


Finally, the iron door was knocked open alive, and a huge insect-shaped monster swept out from it.

Chapter 28 I Know You Are Not a Good Thing 【First More】


"My uncle finally escaped, you damned human beings, dare to lock me up, today I will eat all of you, and then go to the nearby town to kill, the inferior species of human beings are not qualified to survive in the world ."

This huge insect laughed unscrupulously, showing his disgusting tongue. He looked like a madman, venting the joy of breaking out of the cage, which is understandable after a long time.

Looking closely, the appearance of this strange creature is no different from that of the cicada creature, but its size is much larger in comparison.

Wuchen silently looked at the monster and asked calmly, "Are you the Asura unicorn?"


This large insect couldn't help but look down, only to see Wuchen, and suddenly showed a brutal smile, "Jie hahaha... I'm a little hungry, just put you on the stomach."

After speaking, the monster showed its bloody mouth and bit it, and a stench immediately came out of its mouth.

"It seems to be completely flattered, he really is an idiot with well-developed limbs." Wuchen was quite helpless about this, and shot a light beam casually.


The golden light was like a sharp sword, and easily penetrated the right eye of the Asura Unicorn. Because the speed was too fast, he would not react for a while.

"Ahhh...you bastard, I can't spare you!"

It wasn't until the pain engulfed the whole body that the Asura Unicorns covered her eyes and screamed: "I'll break your legs first, then eat your hands, and finally give your head... ."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

A burst of sound came, and the only remaining eye of the Asura Unicorn opened, and another dangerous light beam rushed.


At this time, it was too late to hide. The light was moving too fast, and he couldn't avoid it at all. The only remaining eye was also shot through. The light penetrated his head and swept from the back of his head. out.

"Ahhhh! My eyes!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In just a few seconds, the two eyes of Asura Unicorn were so crippled, he rolled over and over on the ground in pain, as if an earthquake had come, and there was smoke and dust everywhere.

"Let's learn now, right? If you haven't learned to speak...the two eyes are gone, let's start with your body and limbs." Wuchen's voice sounded like a demon from hell, making Ashura Unicorn A cold sweat broke out.

"Answer me, are you the Asura unicorn?" Wuchen asked again, looking at the appearance, it has been confirmed that this guy is the Asura unicorn.

"No, no, I'm not!" The guy said shamelessly, and Wuchen rolled his eyes immediately. After all, he is also a dragon-level weirdo, so cowardly?

"By the way, who are you?!"

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