Wuchen, thought he would hide in it and be sad.

As a result, after a while, the little Sun Wukong took out a four-planet and put it on the table on the side.

I bowed there a few times.

Then, the sad look on his face disappeared immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Wuchen on the opposite side and asked curiously:

"Brother Wuchen, you just said that you helped my grandfather bury?"

"Yeah." Wuchen replied lightly.

"That is to say, you may have encountered the beast that killed Grandpa, and it hasn't killed it yet..."

"In other words, you are more powerful than my grandfather!"

Sun Wukong said excitedly.

Wuchen didn't expect that this kid didn't care about other loopholes at all, but caught it instead.

It's really unexpected, so from this point of view, the little Sun Wukong does have the indifference that is unique to the Saiyans. After all, Sun Wuhan is also the grandfather who raised him.

However, Wuchen didn't, and he was too concerned about this matter. Anyway, Sun Wufan was not familiar with him, and he couldn't control whether he was dead or alive.

Not to mention, after his death, the attitude of the little Sun Wukong he adopted towards him after his death.

I have to say that the little Sun Wukong, whose head was smashed, was too naive.

"Then let's fight!" ..

003. Little Wukong Plan [First Update]

Little Sun Wukong picked up the golden cudgel with great interest and looked at Wuchen.

Wuchen is also helpless. I didn't expect that this kid would have to fight one-on-one with himself, who is playing a small world.

I just don't know how to die...

"Well, this kid has the Saiyan blood in his body, and it is difficult to stop him without subduing him."

Wuchen narrowed his eyes, looked at the little Monkey King, and pondered:

"However, I'm too strong, and I'm a little too aggressive for him, who is only an upper-level man on Earth."

"Although according to this boy's aggressive character, he will not be frustrated and depressed, and stop his aggressive heart..."

"But giving him too high a reference object will encourage growth and be detrimental to his long-term development."

Wuchen thought in his heart, after all, in the original work, Sun Wukong's later master was also the person who had the greatest influence on his life.

That is, the lecherous Turtle Immortal, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​in order to suppress the character of Monkey King, he has been training with him step by step.

Even disguised as a master under the pseudonym 'Jackie Chan', he defeated the little Monkey King and warned him that there are people outside the universe.

He didn't give up until he confirmed that the little Sun Wukong was of pure character and no longer needed external guidance.

Otherwise, it's really hard to imagine:

According to Sun Wukong, who became a Super Saiyan later, he can disregard the belligerence of the earth in order to face off against stronger opponents.

As a child, without the deliberate teaching of the turtle fairy, how crazy he will become when he grows up.

In the same way, the current Wuchen is going to play the role of the turtle fairy of the little Sun Wukong.

As for the old man Turtle Immortal, although he is lustful and old;

But fortunately, he still has a sense of justice, a sense of responsibility, and the consciousness of daring to sacrifice in the face of strong enemies.

Thinking of this, Wuchen retracted his thoughts and looked at the little Monkey King who was waiting anxiously.

"Let's go, go outside." Wuchen said simply.

"Wow! That's great!"

Little Sun Wukong flicked his tail, and the whole person jumped out of the door like an arrow.

A somewhat bare forest.

Wuchen and Xiao Sun Wukong stood in the middle, separated by a certain distance, and they were all set up.


Little Sun Wukong took a step, his hair turned back against the wind, and he dashed towards Wuchen with his wishful golden cudgel.

Wuchen suppressed his instinctive actions, and tried his best to suppress his actions to the current highest level of Dragon Ball Earth as he thought before.

That is to say, it is equivalent to the level of the full outburst of Turtle Immortals.

"Yeah! Brother Wuchen, are you still not doing it?"

"Be careful I'll kill you!"

The quick-talking little Monkey King will not change language arts at all.

"If you can do it, just come..."

Although he knew that what Little Sun Wukong said was a kind reminder, Wuchen couldn't help but want to laugh.

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