"its not right!"

"Are you all right? Then why am I running?"

The awakened Booma was not as cramped as before, but looked at the little Sun Wukong calmly.


At this time, the little Sun Wukong finally looked up and down the body of the motorcycle, and then decisively grabbed the front wheel.

Pulling hard, the entire reel shaft was pulled out directly.

"Humph! It's you, the black guy who broke my head, it hurts so much!"

Dare to be honest, little Sun Wukong still thought it was the motorcycle that crashed him, so he took out the front tire.


"It doesn't seem like a big deal, does it?"

Sun Wukong took the wheel and turned it around in his hand, and then smashed it directly into the rock next to him, smashing his body into pieces.

Boomer, who was leaning against the body of the motorcycle, immediately lost his center of gravity and fell and gnawed at the mud.

After finally getting up from the ground, he patted the dust on his body apologetically.

Looking at the broken body of the motorcycle, I wanted to scold the little Sun Wukong, but I just happened to see him smashing the wheels fiercely.

Immediately silent, with a shy smile on his face, he looked at the little Sun Wukong and said carefully:

"Boy, you have also broken my motorcycle now, and it can be considered as compensation for hurting you."

"Don't try to be rude, my motorcycle can buy a house in Xidu directly!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't care whether the little Sun Wukong understood whether he agreed or not, she just slapped her face and took out a round and flat cake.

He turned around and left, not even the motorcycle.

On the other side, Wuchen stood in the air watching the quarrel between the little Sun Wukong and Bulma, but did not show up.

And Bulma, a pampered rich girl, kept her eyes forward when she bumped into Sun Wukong just now.

Naturally, there is no dust in the air.

Wuchen floated high in the sky, not worried that Bulma would leave here.

He is quite aware of the purpose of the rich second generation from the city of Buma who came to this corner of the mountain.

When he saw the round object in Bulma's hand, he would smile.

That round object is naturally an important item throughout the entire Dragon Ball story-Dragon Ball Radar.

A reconnaissance radar that can find the location of Dragon Ball through a unique ray emitted by Dragon Ball.

In the entire Dragon Ball universe, only Bulma and her dad can make this thing.


Thinking of this, Wuchen flickered and disappeared.


"Where's Big Brother Wuchen?"

The little Sun Wukong, who seemed to be enlightened, looked suspiciously at the direction he had just come from, and then walked towards Bulma regardless.

"Forget it, Brother Wuchen, he is more powerful than grandpa, and he can fly..."

"So, don't worry about him. Maybe you've already gone home and made something delicious for me!"

During this time, Wuchen also did the cooking work that Sun Wufan did before because he liked this bouncing boy.

Often, before returning home after cultivating in the little Sun Wukong, he used ghostly and other supernatural abilities to make all kinds of delicious food.



Thinking of another delicious food, the little Monkey King immediately jumped up again happily.

Walking like an enclave on the undulating mountain road.

After a while, he caught up with Bulma who left early.

"Stinky boy, haven't I already lost you a Gaoya top-light motorcycle?"

"I tell you, people are not enough to swallow an elephant! Be careful of those who suffer retribution..."

Bulma looked at Sun Wukong, who was catching up with her, with some contempt, and regarded the latter as a greedy poor boy.

"Stop following me endlessly!"

"Bah ah ah!!!"

"You are so unreasonable, I am obviously going home, how can I follow you!"

Xiao Wukong's mouth bulged and looked at Bouma, probably because he didn't think she was a master, so even if he was angry, he didn't do anything to her.


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