However, the last two did not come together.

It seems that the golden rule of 'happy friends, get married' is not absolutely accurate in every world.


"It hurts!"

"Women are indeed the most terrifying animals!"

The little Sun Wukong, who had a deep understanding, touched his head and muttered to himself in a low voice:

"However, I still don't believe it..."

& # 160; & # 160; When Booma heard the words of the little Sun Wukong, her face flushed with shame, and ran to the little Sun Wukong again angrily.

Although she is from the metropolis of Dragon Ball Earth, she is also the second generation of a wealthy family.

However, at the moment, she is still young and has not even fully developed her figure.

Hearing these inappropriate words for children, he was naturally furious.

Although, her adventure to find Dragon Ball this time is to make a wish with Dragon Ball to give her a beautiful man as a boyfriend.

"Don't come here!"

"I didn't fight back because I was afraid of punching you to death just now..."

Seeing Booma approaching, the little Sun Wukong bluffed and held the Ruyi golden hoop stick in front of him.



Wuchen, who was leaning against the door, couldn't help laughing when he saw the two people arguing and arguing endlessly.

Then, he stood up, approached the two of them, and said:

"Okay, you two don't have to fight anymore."

"Wukong, stop too."

Wuchen touched the little Sun Wukong's head and said:

"This Boomer is definitely a woman."

"No! Uncle handsome, don't call me a woman or a woman, it's like I'm an Obasan."

"She is still a cute and beautiful girl!"

Hearing this, Bulma immediately retorted sensitively.

"Okay, girl."

"So, Wukong, you can temporarily put this four planets in Bulma's hands."

"If you're worried, you can follow this woman you think is the most terrifying woman in the world and take a look at the outside world."

"Maybe, you will find someone more powerful than her."

To deal with Sun Wukong, either use food, or stimulate him to meet stronger opponents.

Moreover, Wuchen felt that it was necessary to let this kid go outside to see it.

It doesn't matter if you find Dragon Ball or not.

Mainly to train the character and knowledge of this kid.

Otherwise, if you stay in the mountains all the time, you might not be able to steal anything.

Don't talk about protecting the world like that, it'll be funny if you don't make a big rice dragon for the enemy and me.


When Bouma heard Wuchen speak to help him, she let out a silver bell-like innocent laughter unique to a girl.

Although I heard him say that it has nothing to do with Sun Wukong, but a discerning person can see that this little guy listens to Wuchen's words very much.

"Uncle handsome, you are so nice, but unfortunately you look older than me."

"It's not the one with the beautiful flower I like..."

There was a rather regretful expression on Bulma's face, as if she was pity for Wuchen.

The current Wuchen is already invincible in the world, and it is the existence of immortality and immortality.

Therefore, the facial features on his face have been maintained in the state of his twenties when he was bitten by a general when he was young.

It was a circle bigger than the current Boomer.

But because of so many things in the world, a spontaneous sense of vicissitudes filled the dust-free face.

In other words, it has a face that makes people know that there is a story at a glance.

Although it's also very tasteful, Bulma's love is just a little girl who is purely foolish, but she doesn't have a cold for this type of man at all.

Otherwise, in the comics, one would not immediately fall in love with Yamucha, the unsuitable dragon character.

"Hey...Little girl, you can do it for me now..."

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