"Cough cough... Warning from humans: it's best not to act rashly!"

"Behind you, there is a layer of the same [Explosive Talisman] as before."

The three dust-free said in unison.


"Can humans also clone themselves?"

The tallest red-headed monster asked aloud, he didn't know it was a dust-free shadow avatar technique.

"However, human, you still underestimate our demons!"


Just then, the tallest monster finished speaking, and the second tallest monster beside him suddenly let out a ferocious laugh.

Then he turned around and grabbed with both hands.

He firmly grasped the dust-free clone behind the two of them.


Wuchen, who was standing behind the third monster, saw that the situation was wrong and quickly flashed into the air.


At the place where the monster stood, there was an earth-shattering roar and explosion.

Raised a cloud of dust.

Blocked the view that Wuchen looked over. ..

011. Clone Technique [First Update]


Then, there was another sound.

Two consecutive explosions shook the few intact green forests on the entire mountain a few times.

It was almost destroyed and collapsed by the sound waves emitted by the explosion.

Dust-free, who had already flown into the air, had his hands in front of him, avoiding most of the aftermath of the explosion.

He knew that the first sound was the detonating talisman behind the second tallest monster, so the second sound should be the tallest one next to him.

So, why didn't the third beep sound so long?



At this moment, Wuchen suddenly saw a powerful tornado, rushing towards him in midair.


In an instant, he penetrated his body and drilled a shockingly large round hole.

Immediately afterwards, the tornado stopped high in the sky and suddenly turned into the tallest monster.

He stared coldly at the dust-free sky below.


Sure enough, there was another cloud of white mist.

The three dust-free, all are clones.

At the same time, the smoke on the courtyard floor gradually dissipated.

A huge monster with a long tail and a green spiked armor appeared.

The head turned into a long, flat crocodile mouth.

There is absolutely no human appearance at all.

Even the body size has become extremely huge, and the tallest monster is not as high as the treetops of the nearby woods.

Now this guy who is neither human nor beast is going straight to the top of a tree.

It is seven or eight meters long, like a moving hill.

I just don't know if he is the second tallest monster or the shortest one.

"Jie Jie Jie... I really don't want to become such an ugly monster!"

"Fortunately, after being completely demonized, no one can see what Lao Tzu looks like normally."

Listening to this tone, nine out of ten is the second tallest monster.

More than half of the smoke in the courtyard disappeared, and the third detonating talisman still did not sound.

The shortest monster still didn't show up.

At this moment, the tallest monster in the air looked cold, and floated on a tree branch from a high altitude.

"Come out……"

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