Even if there is a demigod-level master on the opposite side, he will be beaten.

Therefore, the realm of strength is the hard core and is the most important.

"However, girls are just as important..."

Wuchen didn't forget why he worked so hard to kill three monsters.

He discovered early in the morning that the red-haired beauty Reina was standing in the forest halfway up the mountain, spying on the battle between Wuchen and the three monsters.

Therefore, like a cat catching a mouse, he played with the three monsters in every possible way.

It wasn't until finally bored that he struck the fatal blow.

As for that witch Reina, will Wuchen become disgusted with Wuchen because she killed her three companions.

This is not something to worry about.

He believed that witches like Lena must be respected by the strong.

Moreover, the reason why Wuchen didn't use all his strength just now, or even [-]/[-] of his strength, was because of attracting Lena.

Otherwise, the strength he just released was too great, and it is very likely that Reina would feel the gap is too high and create a sense of distance.

In short, Lena would be intimidated because she felt that she was not from the same world as Wuchen.

Not to mention being attracted by dust-free.

Therefore, dust-free is like a lion hunting, getting closer to the target little by little.

In the end, he made a full blow.

That way you can get hold of it.

What's more, she is different from the stinky little girl like Bulma;

A woman like Leina will inevitably be fascinated by the mature man Kuili, who has survived the vicissitudes of life and is still confident and assertive, exuding from Wuchen.

This is the difference between children and adults.


a flash.

The dust-free disappeared directly in place.


At this moment, Reina, who was still watching in the middle of the forest, suddenly realized that the target she was staring at had disappeared in front of her eyes.

A moment of stunned bewilderment.

At this moment, a mature and magnetic male voice emerged from behind her shining red hair:

"Hey, little girl, have you seen enough?"


Reina, whose face was flushed red, did not expect that the human man she had been staring at just now would suddenly appear behind her.

For a while, he blushed and became even more at a loss.

However, after a short while, she understood.

After all, she just witnessed how Wuchen fought with the three monsters she was traveling with.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for her to suddenly appear beside her now.

After restraining her astonishment, Reina looked at Wuchen behind her who exuded deadly alluring hormones and had charming and handsome facial features.

Fall into it all at once.

When Wuchen saw it in his eyes, he smiled in his heart, as expected, she was still the most knowledgeable witch.

With just one touch, it was like discovering Wuchen's true identity.

Perhaps, this is the Witch's racial talent.

Because it is closer to nature, it is more sensitive to the most powerful forces in the universe.

Therefore, the witch Reina was deeply captured by the unfathomable and unconcealed stalwart divine power emanating from Wuchen.

Just then, Reina seemed to remember something.

Suddenly, she pretended to be angry again, with a pretty flushed face.

At Wuchen, he shouted loudly:

"Human boy, I can warn you, you have killed three people from our Asura Demon World!"

"Asura, the Lord of the Demon Realm, is very powerful, you can't beat him for sure!"

"Ha ha……"

When Wuchen heard Reina's words, he wanted to laugh, where is this a warning to the enemy.

Those two words clearly said:

"If you don't run, you will be killed by Asura."

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