"Young man, you really don't watch the news! Now the entire North Sea has spread about it - the Red Silk Army led its troops, overthrew several kingdoms one after another, and killed their kings."

The old man continued: "You must know that the Red Silk Army Corps is said to have raised a few scientific madmen, and they relied on the power of science to revitalize their men and horses.

This time, I heard that in order to prepare for world domination, I traveled all over the earth and invited well-known martial artists from all over the world to join them. "

At this moment, the fleet of the Red Silk Army Corps slowly approached the small island, and when they were still a few hundred meters away, they suddenly shot dozens of thick ropes from a ship on the flank.


There were nearly a thousand soldiers in camouflage uniforms and red scarves.

With ropes on, he rushed to the port of Beidu.

see this scene.

Wuchen, who was sitting in the restaurant to eat, sneered in his heart: "This Red Silk Army also likes to do these fancy things, just like the special forces Flying Tigers on TV...

By the way, there is a game arcade at this time, and it would be nice to have a TV..."

Wuchen never thought about the problem of no signal on the TV at all, just looking forward to being able to give him more ways to pass the time, so as to satisfy his current mentality of salted fish.

Contrary to his calmness, the long-nosed uncle who was sitting next to their group in the restaurant, saw the red silk army soldier suddenly jumping over, as if thinking of something, his face changed suddenly.

He looked around in a panic, and in the blink of an eye, he got to the hollow layer of the sofa under the seat, and covered his body with the curtains beside him.

The other people at the same table with him woke up in an instant and squeezed into the sofa.

"Uncle, what happened to you?" Seeing this, Wuchen asked curiously.

"Young man, you and your companions should hurry and find a place to hide..."

The voice of the long-nosed uncle came out of the sofa:

"Otherwise, you will have to pay some money to these Red Silk Army guys!"

"Partial money?"

Wuchen asked suspiciously when he heard the voice coming from under the sofa.

Just when the long-nosed uncle was about to make a sound to answer Wuchen, his companion hiding across from him whispered and hurriedly shouted:

"You still have the mind to take care of others! It's not like you haven't heard of the reputation of the Red Silk Army Corps... That's the kind of goose that has to be plucked, and it's the kind that is plucked clean...

Do you think there is such a good reason this time, they will not take advantage of it?

Moreover, the Red Silk Army has always hated us the leisure class, who knows how they will treat us if they find us? "

After that, the man and the long-nosed uncle all immediately fell silent, huddled under the sofa, and hid tightly.

Followed by.

Everyone in the restaurant, of course, except for the dust-free two, all followed the long nose and hid under the sofa.

Because there were not many diners at this time, there was no incident of the lack of sofas and the competition everywhere.

As for why no one escaped, it may be that everyone agreed that even if they ran out of the restaurant, they would still be caught by the soldiers of the Red Silk Army Corps.

It's better to hide inside and look for a first-line opportunity, maybe you can escape.

Obviously different from the people outside the restaurant, most of the people who come to eat here are elites from various industries, and they have long heard of the Red Silk Army Corps that has been in the limelight in recent years.

Deeply aware of what a terrible group of people is coming.

at the same time.

There was a loud noise outside the restaurant.

Nearly a thousand soldiers in camouflage combat uniforms and red scarves have crossed the waves along the ropes and came to the northern port.

"You guys are lucky enough to be able to get the good fortune of our Red Silk Army Corps -- a good day for our triumphant return..."

A figure who looked like a soldier leader shouted at the crowd, his tone was very arrogant and arrogant, as if everyone owed him money.

"So, the leader of our Red Silk Army Corps, specially allows you to meet and greet you - [-] gold coins, to express your respect and blessings to our Red Silk Army Corps."

As soon as the words fell, a thousand soldiers dispersed and walked into the crowd aggressively.

"Ten thousand gold coins? How could we have so much money? And even if we had, we wouldn't give it to you..."

Hearing the words of the leader of the soldiers of the Red Silk Army, the young man who had previously stood outside the restaurant retorted loudly:

"What bullshit Red Silk Army Corps are, you are clearly a group of vampire robbers who only loot innocent people!"

"Oh Hugo... [-] gold coins are too much? Besides, how dare you compare the Red Silk Army Corps that we have spread to inferior robbers...

Haven't the children of today heard of the glorious victories of our Red Silk Army Corps?You know, every inch of land you are standing on now belongs to our Red Silk Army...

In the near future, our Red Silk Army will eventually conquer the whole world! "

With a bang, the two soldiers in camouflage around the young man kicked him down to his knees with lightning speed.

Then, the leader of the soldiers flashed over, took out a gun and pressed it against the man's temple, and said gloomily:

"Unfortunately, you can't see..." ..

020. Meeting Ceremony [Sixth Update]


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