Moreover, looking at the appearance of the other group of people, it was the young man who seemed helpless to be the backbone of the two.

"Let go, don't get in the way..."

Wuchen followed behind Hawkeye and shouted at the person in front.Hawkeye walked in the front without saying a word, the giant sword with the big door was behind his back, and he had no intention of pulling it out.

Seeing this, the leader of the soldiers secretly rejoiced. After all, such a big black sword shone with a cold light that was quite scary.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately secretly gestured to the two companions behind him, preparing to join forces to deal with Hawkeye.

As for Wuchen, these soldiers obviously did not regard him as a threatening force when they saw that he was hanging around after eating a perfect meal.

After all, one has a giant sword and one does not, it is still obvious.

"Boy! For the sake of the youth of the two of you, I'll give you a preferential price and let you go after paying [-] gold coins..."

After he finished speaking, he joined the two soldiers in white behind him to take out firearms and aimed them at Hawkeye.

"Hawkeye, someone is blocking our way, what do you think we should do? Hiccup~" Wuchen hiccupped again.

The Eagle Eye turned into the Ghost Dao Talisman Paper, although Wuchen was softened with the consciousness of the main eagle eye, but he did not speak.

Instead, he took a small silver spoon from the dining table next to him and held it gently in his hand.

"Just a mere ants, if you are not capable of your own strength, then kill you wait!"



bang bang bang! ! !

The bullets came swiftly.

As soon as Hawkeye finished speaking, the three soldiers shot first.

"Such a small spoon is enough to deal with you weaklings!"

Hawkeye's eyes suddenly froze, and he immediately waved the spoon in his hand.

In an instant, where the spoon was bent, the bullet that was flying over was accurately and accurately caught.

Followed by.

Hawkeye's wrist trembled slightly.

The bullets bounced back immediately.



The pupils of the two soldiers on the left and right shrank sharply, and before they could react, they were shot through their bodies.

After a while, blood slowly overflowed from the place where the bullet was shot.


The leader of the soldiers, who had been hiding at the end for a long time, reacted immediately, and quickly took out a silver-black hand cannon from his body.

A powerful shock wave burst out.

At the same time, a harsh and strange whistle sounded.

Soon it rang through the entire island, and everyone on the island heard the sharp whistle. ..

021. The Siege of the Red Silk Army [First Update]

This silver-black hand cannon is supposed to be a weapon and equipment improved by the Red Silk Army.

But in the face of Hawkeye's counterattack, it still didn't work.

I saw that the bullet bounced back by Hawkeye, after breaking through the shock wave, shot through the body of the soldier leader in the blink of an eye.

A strong penetrating force nailed the latter to the wall of the dining room.

Hawkeye threw away the spoon without even looking at it, and led Wuchen to continue walking towards the door.

The rescued rich people didn't feel the joy of being rescued at all after hearing the whistle of the black impact hand cannon, and they all shrank under the sofa in a panic.

"Deputy captain, it seems like the siren sounded by the captain entering that restaurant..." A camouflage soldier reported to someone who was almost dressed as the former soldier leader.

"Needless to say, your captain is dead, quickly gather all the soldiers to surround the restaurant..."

The deputy captain obviously analyzed the situation of the restaurant in an instant based on the fighting sound inside.

"Since this restaurant has been stained with the blood of the outstanding soldiers of our Red Silk Army Corps, let everyone in this restaurant be buried for the dead Red Silk Army soldiers!"

As soon as the words fell, a thousand soldiers quickly lined up to surround the restaurant where Wuchen and others were.

A thousand soldiers of the red silk army in camouflage combat uniforms,

Qi shu shu set up the formation,

The group surrounded the restaurant where Wuchen and others were.

Like a circle of newly built camouflage fences,

Inside three circles outside three circles,

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