The voice who spoke just now jumped off the red silk army ship that stopped by the port.

Then, his figure was revealed.

It was a blue-eyed foreigner with blond hair.

"General Blue?"

When Wuchen heard the other party's words, and then saw his appearance, he remembered that this General Bruce was indeed the character of the Red Silk Army in Dragon Ball.

Moreover, he fought against the little Sun Wukong several times, and even went to the turtle fairy house to kidnap the turtle fairy and Kelin who lived there for the idea of ​​hitting seven dragon balls.

"Boy, look me in the eyes."

"Tell me, your purpose for attracting our Red Silk Army..."

"Is it for money or fame?"

The blond-haired and blue-eyed General Blue stared at Wuchen, who was also looking at him.

And it was an understatement to say that the damage caused by Dust-free and Hawkeye was just an idea to attract their Red Silk Army.


Wuchen stood in the wind, as if time stood still, motionless.

Seeing this, General Blue let out a sneer in his heart, and said in a low voice:

"Hehe... another idiot."

"I don't even know this general's super power, so I dare to make trouble in Lao Tzu's jurisdiction!"

The north is the headquarters base of the Red Silk Army, and it is also within the jurisdiction of General Bru.

The territory of the Red Silk Army, in the timeline of the comics plot, is two years after the little Monkey King came out of the mountain.

In fact, it has reached a great level.

Is the most promising human power to rule the earth.

Perhaps, because of this, the reason behind the red silk army's great commander, General Hei, wanted to snatch the Dragon Ball with the little Monkey King.

I just want to make a wish to the dragon to grow taller.

Instead of ruling the whole earth as his subordinates think.


"Go back to the boat, don't embarrass me!"

General Blue shouted to Neil, who was lying on the ground. Although the other party was the son of General Black, General Blue, one of the high-ranking combat powers, was not polite to this kind of wine bag and rice bag.

"Forget it, let me do it, it's not just throwing the trash..."

At this moment, Wuchen moved and yawned.


General Blue looked at him in surprise.

"You don't think you can immobilize me with your kid's trick?"

Wuchen said jokingly.

Then, he threw himself in front of General Blue in a flash.

"Then let's throw away your rubbish by the way!"


A punch.

General Blue rolled his eyes instantly, unconscious. ..

024. Dr. Rogge's Research Institute [Third Update]

Wuchen knocked down the male general with one punch.

Then he prepared to leave without looking back.

Just then, a buzzing fly.Appeared in front of Wuchen.

Wuchen reacted the first time he saw it: This is the flies in the plot that can collect cells, which is the important equipment for collecting the blood of various Dragon Ball warriors and bosses in the Sharu chapter to synthesize Sharu.

Then, Wuchen stayed in place and waited for a while.

However, he found that the fly had no intention of approaching at all.

Just stop in the air or lie down on some hidden stone, looking in the direction of dust-free.

"It seems that this fly only has the function of reconnaissance, and has not yet the function of collecting cells." Wuchen said in his heart.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand: after all, the current Red Silk Army has not been defeated by the little Sun Wukong.Therefore, Dr. Gero, the scientist of the Red Silk Army who invented the fly, has no motivation to study high-tech products.

The second may also be because the current scientific research level of the Red Silk Army has not yet reached the later level.Otherwise, it would not have waited for more than ten years to study Sharu, and it would not have been so easily defeated by the little Sun Wukong.

Thinking of this, Wuchen prepares to leave again.

But suddenly a thought came to mind.

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