It was exactly as he expected.

Dr. Gro was sitting in the central control room in the laboratory opened out of the cave.

Just happened to see Wuchen smiling at him through the camera.

At the same time, a motionless fly stopped by Dr. Groh's hand.

Dr. Gro, whose hair is not completely white, looks much younger than the self-transformation into an android more than ten years later.Be more confident too.

He looked at the dust-free image sent back by the camera.Then use your fingers to flick around on the computer on the other side.

After a while, a video popped up on the computer screen.

It was the scene of Wuchen and General Blue fighting in Beidu.

"The height and body shape, including facial microexpressions, are almost the same."

"It means that these two are obviously the same person. But why are there two faces? Is it a disguise? Human skin masks?"

"But what makes me more curious is. How did he find it here?"

Dr. Gros finished looking at the fly on his hand.

A thought popped into his mind.Then quickly pinched it off.

Even if he suspects that Wuchen is following the flies, but such a tiny machine is not damaged...

And he could see it.No one had ever touched his tiny reconnaissance instrument.

So.There is absolutely no chance of being implanted with tracking programs.

But in this way, the appearance of dust-free becomes a dead end again.

After thinking for a while, Dr. Gros quickly gave up thinking about the question.

Staring at the camera, the dust-free images are constantly being sent back.

He grinned and said, "Since everyone has come, let's give this guy a little look..."

"And let him test the functionality of the products I've recently developed."

"Whether this human being is stronger, or my technology level is stronger; let's see the result after waiting for a while."

After speaking, Dr. Groo tapped a few more times on the computer.


in the picture returned by the camera.

The dust-free front suddenly turned into a black channel.

Then, Wuchen kept walking forward, and suddenly a giant that was several times bigger than the previous android number 3 popped out.

The key is to look at the expression of this giant, and it is not so dull.

Just like a normal human being. ..

025, a sword slash [fourth more]

Looking at the huge artificial human that suddenly appeared in front of him, Wuchen moved in his heart, and then remembered the pirate swordsman Hawkeye who had been drawn up by him using the ghost way.

Suddenly he moved his hand, and another giant sword appeared, and then he slowly looked in front of him and said:

"I haven't used a sword for a long time... The sword move of that kid with Eagle Eyes made my hands itch... Then use the sword to cut off this big man!"

I saw that the man-made giant was able to speak, looking at Wuchen and said:

"Whoever dares to break into our laboratory, die!"


As soon as the words fell, he jumped up and flew to the ceiling dozens of meters high in the basement at once, and used a trick to press the top of Mount Tai, and pressed towards the dust-free below.

"Whatever you are, since you are here, then die!"

Wuchen held the hilt of the giant sword and said coldly.

A loud bang!

Sure enough, the basement couldn't hold on any longer and was about to collapse completely.

Pieces of huge beams and stones fell rapidly from the originally sturdy building.


One move knife cut!


A huge sword light quickly flew around Wuchen's body, drawing a large ring of white practice.

In an instant, all the stones around that dared to approach Wuchen's body ten meters were all shattered in one blow, and there was no possibility of surviving.

Turn into ji powder and dissipate the world.

"Humph! It's pretty good!"

Just then, the huge android fell straight down from the collapsed ceiling.

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