Wuchen snorted coldly and said, "I'll deal with you first!"

He knew that in this world, the biggest world boss should be him!

Just get rid of him first, otherwise you won't feel at ease playing here!

His words came out.

Right now.

I saw that he stretched out his fingers slightly.

Pointing at Jeff, he said lightly, "Go to hell!"

The moment he said these words, he saw a supreme radiance condensed in his fingertips, and the radiance had gathered in an instant!

The gathered light was released in an instant, and a huge explosion sounded!

Before Jeff could react, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and a beam of lightsaber penetrated his throat directly, causing the air he inhaled to leak out.

With a snap, the entire body fell directly to the ground.

Wuchen looked coldly at him lying down and said, "Die!"

This has just been said.

Jeff stood up immediately and said, "It's useless, I'm immortal, I'm a cursed person..."

Wuchen was quite annoyed, got up and said, "It's really annoying!"

His words said his palms clapped together.


I saw his eyes widen immediately.

At the same time, lines appeared in his eyes.

Only to hear him roar loudly: "The earth explodes the stars!!!"

As soon as the sound fell, a small gravity ball flew out of his hand.

Before Jeff could react, he was immediately hit in the chest by the small ball, and all the surrounding land slammed directly on him!

Jeff cried out loudly.

He didn't have time to react, but it was like countless fissures of land that could be powerful. At this time, magma came out and hit his body directly.

Even the ocean is turbulent for the fission plate at this time!

The turbulent energy immediately shook the 4 weeks!

Jeff didn't have time to resist, and was quickly hit by countless stones!

The whole person is almost completely without any resistance, and is slowly wrapped up in the sky by the stone. At this time, the huge stone floats up and down like the moon!

What is even more exaggerated is that a lot of mud and magma, and even the sand in the sea, have been absorbed!

Wuchen shouted loudly again: "Six Seals: Earth Blast Star!!"

When the sound fell again, countless rays of light gathered on the moon that had already floated into the sky!

And this moment.

Dust free for insurance.

Immediately change the eyes again.

I saw his eyes change again and again, and it took a while to find the pupil technique he wanted!

The huge moon also followed, revealing a small mouth.

Jeff just happened to be looking at him.

There was a bit of surprise in Jeff's eyes, and he couldn't speak for a while, and was shocked by Wuchen's performance.

Wuchen pinched the seal with both hands, his eyes changed, only to hear him shout loudly: "Yuedu!!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jeff immediately fell into a state of confusion, and the whole person was completely stunned.

After all, Yue Du is one of the strongest skills of Kaleidoscope Blood Wheel Eye.

Wuchen changed his eyes again.

Just listen to him shout loudly again: "Don't be a god!!!"

When the words fell again.

Jeff's body softened directly because he was injected with more information.

At this moment, in his mind, the information to the resident is going to sleep forever!

Yue Du is to let him sleep in a dream forever!

After Wuchen had done all this, he was a little relieved that a smile appeared on his face, and he imposed six seals again!

He took a deep breath and slapped the palm on the ground. The huge moon slowly floated up into the sky and entered its orbit!

And at this time, looking at the second moon above the sky, there was a satisfied look in his eyes, this world boss can be considered solved, this matter is much simpler, and there will be no so much trouble in the future. It's up!

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