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Chapter 369 The Divine Tree Comes [Chapter Three]

The thick green divine tree expanded indefinitely, turning into a tree demon with an unprecedented volume, reaching a height of several hundred meters in just the blink of an eye.

The dust-free complete body Susanoo is not worth mentioning compared to this divine tree.


With one kick, Uchiha Madara opened, looking at the divine tree several hundred meters high, Wuchen couldn't help choking up, even though he had imagined the true appearance of the divine tree countless times in his mind, and seeing such an exaggerated degree, he still couldn't breathe. A stagnation.

Kaguya just stole the power of the divine tree, and what material the divine tree was made of is still a mystery.

"There's no need to put on this incredible look."

Wei Wei moved his muscles and bones, and there was a sound of "crackling" bones, Uchiha Madara showed an all-knowing expression, and explained in a long story: "The source of chakra is actually the divine tree, the first human being to obtain the power of chakra. , is Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the mother of the Six Path Immortals, besides—"


Seeing Banban turned on the escape mode, a sarcastic smile flashed across Wuchen's eyes, and interrupted him directly, saying: "You think you know everything, playing with the world like a doll... Unfortunately, have you ever thought that you are actually someone else? Everything is in the hand..."

In the final analysis, Madara is just a member of all living beings. Although because of his dream, he jumped out of the boundaries of mortals and became the first transcendence in history to open the eyes of reincarnation, but he always thought that he was special and that he was sent by God. The god who came to save the world is ridiculous.

After all, Madara is just an important pawn in Hei Jue's conspiracy covering the whole world, or the most tragic one, designed by Hei Jue almost all his life.

"What the hell do you mean..."

He raised his brows slightly, and Madara's tone was quite low and cold, and he asked extremely unkindly. He usually preached to others, but now Wuchen turned his mouth to teach him a lesson, and it felt more uncomfortable than eating ten pounds of flies.


There was a crisp sound from the void above a few hundred meters, and when I looked up, I saw that the green leaves that had wrapped the flower buds were all scattered like withered, revealing the pink flower buds.

For some unknown reason, the buds have not yet bloomed, giving people a feeling of weakness and lack of success.

"It can only be so."

Obitu's eyes flashed with ruthless murderous intent, a small non-gentleman who is not poisonous and not a husband. He naturally understands this simple truth. Even today, he has seen the darkness and ugliness of the entire world.

He folded his hands together, and there was a faint cold sweat on his forehead. Obviously, he was also struggling with the technique that was about to be released.


In the depths of the ground, at the root and stem of the divine tree, countless dense rattans surged out in an instant, madly devouring the nutrients in the land at an unprecedented speed.

All things are devoured by rattan, and the land in contact with it becomes pitch black after being swallowed, and the human beings in contact are directly sucked into shriveled corpses...

The scene is terrifying!

"The essence of the divine tree may be the most advanced predator."

A clear look flashed in Wuchen's eyes. The Divine Tree may exist on the basis of the entire world as nourishment, which also explains the essential reason for his immortality.

Heaven and earth are immortal, and the divine tree will live forever!

It itself is a predator at the top of the food chain, and the entire world is invisible to its bullying and plundering. After all, the existence of the divine tree is based on the entire world as nourishment.

"Sorrowful art... but it has nothing to do with me."

With a sneer, Wuchen turned a deaf ear, treating this bloody scene as air, the life and death of the world had nothing to do with him, and if he did not harm the world, it was already a god who appeared to bless him, and it was a far-fetched dream to count on Wuchen to save them.

After about a stick of incense, the huge pink flower buds of the divine tree finally bloomed, revealing scarlet eyes, and the moonlight reflected the same eyes faintly. Shaking round eyes, but even if it is Liugouyu, it still retains the soul-moving pupil power fluctuations.

Seeing this, Obito's body also lost the restraint of gravity, and slowly flew into the air, looking at the moon countless thousands of miles away, a flash of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes, ten years of hard work, nearly ten years of dream , to this day, it has finally been realized.

Unlimited monthly reading, no one can resist, no matter how strong the ninja will be pulled into the dream world.

"You can't escape that spell either."

Gritting his teeth and staring at Wuchen, Uchiha Madara said with hatred, because Wuchen's sudden emergence was his biggest flaw, and the biggest stain in his life other than Qianshou Hashirama.

Hearing this, a playful look flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and his eyes fell on Obito who flew into the sky, his Tensei Eyes swayed with strong ripples, and the palm of his hand waved like a spreading water pattern against Obito's void, dark clouds. Lumpy's devouring power spewed out.

"Get off me!"

Obito in the void was pulled by gravity, swaying and swaying, and the body instantly lost its center of gravity. With the increase of dust-free strength, it fell from the air.


The surface shattered, a huge pit appeared, Obito's five internal organs were dislocated, and he vomited blood.

"Useless waste, what do you two do?!"

Hei Jue cursed in a hoarse voice, and then the space behind him distorted sharply. The body composed of black liquid penetrated into it, and the space healed again. When it reappeared, it was already by Obito's side.


Staring at Hei Jue, who was behaving strangely, both Madara and Obito were full of doubts, including Wuchen, who was also stunned, all staring at Hei Jue puzzled.

Especially Uchiha Madara has the intention to kill directly, black is nothing but his will, it is indeed ignoring his orders over and over again, acting alone, how Madara is not angry.

Hei Jue's next move surprised everyone, including Wuchen, who was also full of consternation.


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