Loudly shouted: "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The moment the words were spoken, he stretched out his hand, and a huge gravitational force bounced the flame directly out in an instant, and the rumbling sound rang out, and even the island was repelled by this huge force. It shook violently.

And this moment.

Akunorokia's entire body of the huge dragon was also shaking, and it was unexpected that he had such a strong ability.

Dust-free but know it's not over yet.

He smiled coldly: "It's not over yet!"

When his voice fell, he slapped his hands directly on the ground and shouted loudly, "Tu Dun: The earth flows!"

At this time, the power he directly released was much stronger than that of the three generations of Hokage!

Because his own chakra is strong, the energy released in an instant can directly wrap the body of Akunoya's dragon.

Wuchen smiled coldly when he saw that the dragon's body was directly wrapped up.


There is a bit of cold murderousness in his eyes!

Take a deep breath.

Hands together again: "Huo Dun: The fire is extinguished!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge fireball was spit out from the mouth, and at the same time it had completely turned white. The flame was not just ordinary red, but turned white, and the intense high temperature scorched it. Akunorokia in that soil.

Akuno Nokia's entire body is like a beggar!

The body is wrapped in mud, and at the same time it is scorched by flames!

At this moment, he stretched out his dragon claws uncomfortably, waving his body to no avail, and he didn't have time to instantly turn into a human body!

Wuchen didn't intend to give him a chance, and shouted again: "Xianfa: Huo Dun: Goemon!"

The moment the sound fell, a huge flame spewed out of his mouth again, and the oil instantly made the flame even bigger.

And the wind fuels the growth of the flames.

The presence or absence of the flame growth and the wind are added, and at the same time, it is blessed by the flame!

The three energies mixed into a high-temperature, violent kerosene river.

The big river of kerosene fell directly from the sky and smashed onto Akuno Nokia's dragon body. Its entire body was buried in the kerosene river in an instant!

At this time, Akunorokia roared in despair. He didn't expect this guy's strength to be so incredible. He couldn't help but feel scared in his heart.

The opportunity that had been prepared for so many years, should it be in the hands of such a person who has never met?This is too exaggerated, this person's strength is too strong, no, we have to find a way to get out of here.

I just thought about it in my mind.

At this moment, the intense pain in his body made him not have much chance to think, only to hear the roaring sound again, Akuno Nokia forcibly wanted to break free from the big river of kerosene!

But at this time, Wuchen made another move, and saw that his eyes immediately changed, turning directly into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Only to hear him shout loudly: "Yue Du!"

When the voice fell, even the mighty soul of Akuno Nokia fell directly under the power of Yue Du in an instant!

That powerful power immediately made this giant dragon lose its ability to resist, in the river of fire oil!

He was scorched by the kerosene and the constant scorching, the scales of the body began to fall off, the flesh was scorched, and even the bones leaked out. At this moment, how much ability does he have to resist, and although the material world is only limited to A few seconds passed, but in the spiritual world, Akunorokia's spirit was tortured thousands of times!

When he opened his eyes again, his face was full of horror.

Wuchen knew that it was very difficult to kill this giant dragon, but he had to kill it!

He thought so in his heart, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

I saw that he once again clapped his hands together, and at the same time revealed a cold murderous aura in his eyes.

This time he will end the man with the ultimate trick.

He shouted loudly: "The four images are sealed!"

As soon as the voice fell and the hands clapped together, the shape of the seal of the four elephants immediately surrounded the body of Akuno Nokia!

The body of the giant dragon can't stop the energy of this seal.

At the same time, he screamed loudly, and the dark light slowly disappeared from the seal formation.

Wuchen immediately absorbed the magic light into his body, and Akunorokia's body was instantly dragged into the ground by the light of the seal formation, leaving a small mark on the ground. , 4 weeks of all embarrassment! ..

016, Seal [Second]

When Wuchen felt the black light entering his body, he only felt comfortable all over his body. Although he had a cold and evil feeling, he quickly melted it completely with the chakra in his body. At this time, he already had more much energy.

There was a look of surprise on his face. After killing the black dragon this time, he gained the power in the black dragon's body and completely sealed the black dragon's body!

There was a cold smile on his face.

He walked over slowly and looked at the mark in the stone on the ground.

With a sneer, he said, "That's not enough!"

His words immediately injected gravity into the stone.

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