Lucy has not shown such a bright and sincere smile for a long time. It is suitable for her to quarrel when she comes back in this house. It seems that she has no happiness at all. Although she is rich, she does not seem to have the kind of genuine happiness at all.

He couldn't help but think, after thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Lucy... the sky belongs to you..."

Although I still want to build that birdcage in my heart, I also know in my heart that the birds trapped in the birdcage will always just be dumb who can't sing.

And he is already trapped in this birdcage, so why trap others?

There was a rare smile on Jiu De's face.

When Lucy heard this, she turned around blankly.

Looking at Jiude, he said, "I..."

Jiu De nodded and said with a smile: "Go, I know it belongs to your life, I don't know how happy you are, but I see your smile, I see you finally become a singer Happy birds!"

Lucy nodded.

Everyone said goodbye to him.

Several people walked out of the house slowly.

Since Wuchen walked in that town.

At this moment.

Lucy seemed to have thought of something, frowned and said, "What happened to the iron door just now? Why is it in a melted state? Could it be just now..."

When she said this in her voice, she saw the sweat on the head of the Natsu River and immediately gritted her teeth and said, "Natsu, it's you again!"

She spoke extremely loudly and widened her eyes.

Natsu let out a laugh at this moment, and hurriedly ducked to the side.

Wuchen sighed and said, "Aren't you going to leave soon?"

After Natsu heard this, he quickly said, "Yes, yes, hurry up, hurry up!"

Several people heard these words and immediately walked forward again.

Lucy herself also brought a lot of jewelry and coils from her home, so she took the train directly above the town.

After a few dust-free people got on the train

Natsu had just stepped on the train at this time, and immediately there was an inexplicable dizziness surrounding him, he frowned, and said, "Why is there something wrong..."

When his words came out, he immediately felt as if he was about to faint.

Wuchen immediately felt incredible, this guy won't get motion sick again, doesn't even his illusion have any effect?

He gave a wry smile.

Lucy hurried to his side and said, "You are really..."

Several people noisy and soon returned to the union. ..

037. Vacation Plan [First Update]

Back to the union, not a few days.

A smile appeared on Makarov's face, and he immediately announced in the union: "Let's go on vacation together!"

Makarov had a deep smile on his face.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became excited, and everyone's eyes were shining.

at this time.

Suddenly a phone call came.

Makarov was immediately disappointed, gritted his teeth and said: "Forget it, don't go, now the finances are tight, don't go, don't go..."

Hearing this, the people were immediately disappointed.

Wuchen is also relieved, what is there to go to that beach, and it may trigger the troublesome Paradise Tower again!

That Paradise Tower is simply troublesome!

It's fine not to go.

Just as he was thinking about it.

Natsu and Gray immediately tugged at the corners of his clothes and said, "No dust, come here!"

After hearing this.

Dust-free is to follow the past.

Following the two of them slowly out of the union, they walked to another restaurant behind the union.

Elsa had a gloomy expression on her face at this time, as she was eating in it, with a somewhat inexplicable sadness in her eyes.

She stared blankly at her

Gray said beside her: "She seems to be in a bad mood recently, and the president canceled her vacation just now, because it seems that it's better for us to cause damage than the teacher..."

Wuchen rolled his eyes and said, "Could it be that you are going to go on vacation by yourself?"

This was in his heart, and he said it after thinking about it. After all, the previous plot was like this. In the original book, it was their team that went on vacation and caused something to happen!

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