But he didn't want to recognize it, it would be too embarrassing if the created puppet just lost.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and immediately increased the output of the chakra line!

The huge amount of chakra instantly activated the puppet, and the spell engraved on the puppet had an effect! !

All I could hear was a crackling sound.

The two puppets and double knives suddenly released the knife gas, forcing Usdarus to retreat!

At the same time, the two puppets also quickly inserted the knives on the ground, with their hands straight forward.

Wuchen took a cruel look at Usdarus and said, "I'm going to use this move to end your life now!"

His words spewed out of his mouth and immediately increased Chakra's output. ..

043, fierce battle [first more]

After Usdalus heard these words, the light of black magic shone from the guitar in his hand that turned into an axe. He was infected by this light for 4 weeks, and a strange atmosphere was rendered all around. , making 4 weeks seem to have become hell, and a strange music also rang in everyone's ears.

After Wuchen heard the music, he couldn't help frowning, and there was a bit of thought in his eyes.

He said coldly, "Damn bastard!"

At this moment, the two puppets immediately activated the technique hidden in their bodies!

Wuchen inspired those two techniques hidden in the body!

In an instant, Wuchen shouted loudly: "Xianfa: Huo Dun: Goemon! Huo Dun: arrogant fire extinguishes arrows!"

Immediately, two groups of huge fire worms sprayed out from the puppet's hand, like a river of fire!

The huge ray of light was immediately released from the puppet's body, and Usdarus was also shocked, and some trembled with fear.

Wuchen said coldly at this time: "Joint Skill: Great Volcano Burial!"

His words just fell, and the two skills were completely fused together, as if a meteor fell from the sky and hit Usdarus.

Usdarus widened his eyes, and a cold and wild smile appeared on his face. Facing the crushing of the huge flame like a meteor, he was not afraid at all, but showed a cold killing. meaning!

I saw that he raised the huge axe in his hand high, and the axe was blessed with a kind of radiance of black magic, making it impossible to see anything all around, and the whole body was full of radiance. He had a feverish murderous aura, like a terrorist.

When I saw that big volcano, I was about to smash myself!

He immediately showed a cruel smile, and slammed on the ground with a sudden blow. At this moment, the rumbling sound rang out, and the light of black magic rushed directly into the ground, turning into a violent whirlwind, sending The flame that rushed out rushed to the sky in an instant, and the big volcano that was about to hit his body was buried in the air in an instant, sending out a violent explosion and roar!

That violent sound made the surroundings bright as day!

That light made the residents along the coast startled!

Bright as the light of day.

The dust-free at this time was also startled, and after the dark vortex flew up in an instant, it immediately turned into a vortex tornado and hit the dust-free!

There was a deep surprise in Wuchen's eyes, and he frowned slightly.

He said coldly, "Good job!"

He immediately commanded the two puppets, and the two puppets moved very flexibly at this moment, and quickly separated!

The two puppet teams stood on both sides of the dark whirlwind.

Wuchen suddenly closed his palms, slapped two puppets, and immediately moved, and the chakra lines became thicker and longer!

He only heard him shouting loudly: "Water Dun: Big burst of water!"

As soon as the words fell, one of the puppets opened its mouth wide, and a huge water wave spit out from his mouth, and the bursting water, like a violent shock wave, hit it directly!

On the other side, another puppet, Wuchen again manipulated.

He only heard him shouting loudly: "Shui Dun: Water breaks the waves!"

When the words fell, two violent shock waves of water immediately dissipated the dark tornado.

But at this time Usdarus was not so simple. His eyes showed a madness. Just when the two puppets had just defeated the dark tornado that was about to expand, I saw him mention it again. With the axe, he rushed directly to Wuchen!

Wuchen is not a fool, I saw his hands move again and the light of chakra appeared on the hands of the two puppets, and the two hands directly turned into chakra knives!

The two puppets rushed out directly.

Those two puppets fought with Usdarus!

Usdarus is really amazing!

Fighting against those two puppets did not fail at all, on the contrary, they were very powerful. The two puppets were very flexible with the axe. Although they were very flexible, they couldn't keep up with his speed!

Wuchen is also very surprised, his hands and fingers are so fast that they can't even move!

But at this moment, he couldn't catch up with the speed of Usdarus. His whole body was covered with a kind of dark light, which made the two puppets feel that they couldn't catch up at all, dangling the chakra knife in the air. But it didn't work!

Wuchen gritted his teeth, snorted coldly and said, "Don't think you can win this way!"

His words came out, and immediately made the two puppets strike together again!

The two puppets grabbed Usdarus' shoulders with one hand.

At the same time, the left hands of the two puppets exerted tremendous force at the same time, and the sound of clicking sounded. Usdarus' shoulders were crushed, and the axe in his hand was a little dull.

Immediately, Wuchen shouted with wide eyes, "Mutual multiplying detonation talisman!"

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