Wuchen snorted coldly.

Said, "It's not that easy!"

The voice fell, and he suddenly clapped his palm again.

He shouted loudly, "Woodun: The Art of Wood Dragon!"

As soon as the voice fell, it immediately flew behind him, and a huge green wooden dragon appeared. The wooden dragon drilled on the ground and rushed out.

The gigantic Murong opened his fangs and gnawed towards Akunorokia's body!

Seeing that he actually released a huge wooden dragon, Akno Nokia was not polite and shouted: "You want to beat me like this?! Just kidding!"

The words said that the sword in his hand suddenly slashed directly, and the green wooden dragon was directly chopped and exploded in an instant, and it exploded with a bang.

The figure of Wuchen has disappeared. He is holding a long sword and his whole body is blown by the wind. There is a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes, and he can't help but hold his breath. What is that guy doing?It's too dangerous. Since he was resurrected, he has been thinking about how to deal with this guy, but he didn't expect this guy to be so strong. Even this unexpected sneak attack made him guess.

Akuno Nokia's hand holding the sword was slightly sweaty.

There was a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He gritted his teeth, the sweat on his forehead slowly dripped down, and the surroundings were calm, but his heart was really restless like the lake water.

Akuno Nokia let go of his perception again, but did not find out what was going on. Did he leave?Did he leave by that trick just now? !

Thinking like this in my heart, I became even more suspicious. ..

058. Resurrection [First Update]

Akunorokia was nervous in his heart, but he didn't dare to make a sudden move at this time. There was a strong vigilance in his eyes. When he held the long sword and looked in all directions, he felt as if someone would attack at any time. He is the same.

Right now.

Dust-free is ready in the dark.

A flash of light suddenly flew through the air.

The sound of the dust-free brush immediately appeared.

There was a bit of a cold smile in his eyes, and the whole investment was burning with blood-colored infuriating energy!

Only to hear him shout loudly: "Xixiang!"

The voice dropped a punch and directly hit the ground beside Akuno Nokia!

After all, Akuno Nokia's speed was astonishingly fast to escape, it was as fast as Mach's speed, the fist rumbled and thunder sounded, and the ground beside him was hit with a huge pit, but he It is a 10-point fortunate that he escaped this blow.

Just as Akuno Nokia immediately took three steps back, he raised his long sword and wanted to slash it down.

Wuchen suddenly turned around and kicked out immediately.

The speed of this kick is also astonishingly fast, unbelievably fast, and suddenly turned around and kicked!

Akuno Nokia didn't have time to come and could react immediately, but was stunned at this moment, this kick hit his right hand holding the sword!

Before the right hand holding the sword had time to hold the blade immediately, it was kicked and flew out!

Only a click was heard, and the sword was inserted into the tree.

Wuchen leaped out and suddenly kicked Akunorokia's foot.

After Akuno Nokia was kicked with his left foot, he immediately wanted to squat down, and at the same time he wanted to step back, but.

Wuchen was already in front of him, and there was no time for him to retreat. Instead, a cold smile appeared on his face, and he immediately grabbed the collar on his chest.

The moment he grabbed it, he punched it out.

The punch was so powerful that it suddenly hit him in the face.

After Aku Nokia was hit in the face!

In an instant, there was a bit of surprise in his eyes, and soon the rumbling thunder that was directly hit flew out!

There was a look of surprise on his face, he blinked his eyes and slowly climbed up in the tree hole, hitting a big tree with his body, and then knocking out a huge tree hole.

He couldn't help but be even more surprised, what happened to this guy?Is it an ordinary human being?Why is this religion so powerful? !

Akunorokia was puzzled.

Wuchen didn't intend to let him understand the meaning of this move. At this time, he made the move immediately, only to see him leap again and kicked out suddenly.

The foot kicked out in the air formed a huge airflow in an instant, and immediately slammed down, so that Akuno Nokia had not had time to open his magic power to form a passport. In this moment, he was at this time But it was a painful scream, and the entire city was kicked into the tree again by the huge airflow brought out by this kick.

His whole body was kicked into the woods, and he cried out in pain!

But it didn't work.

The dust-free air constantly changed its attack method, and it fell into the air and hit it, shaking the whole tree. With a bang, the whole tree burst, and it fell backwards. Akuno Nokia was knocked down in a big shape at the original location of the big tree.

There was a look of horror in his eyes, and he was stunned for a while, lying on the spot and couldn't find a word, who was it?Why is there such power?Is this human?Human strength?

Just when he had an idea in his mind

Wuchen immediately fell to the ground, there was only coldness in his eyes, he took a deep breath, and at the same time, he took two steps back!

I saw him doing the starting action at this time.

Akuno Nokia was stunned at first, wondering what he wanted to do.

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