There was a deep surprise in the words, and it seemed very unbelievable.

Wuchen continued: "But I have found it, not only found it, but also fought with the huge demon guarding the gate. I defeated the demon, and the demon was directly beaten by me and fell asleep in the sea. It can't appear in the human world, but...but...there is more dark energy on that island, I am afraid that there will be more accidents, so I can only come back first!"

When these words came out, everyone had a solemn expression on their faces.

And at this time, Makarov also said: "You did the right thing, you should come back first, and you can't fight them head-on, otherwise it may not happen if you are alone, and we can't provide support immediately. Come in first!"

Wuchen nodded and walked in slowly.

Into the guild.

in the hall.

Makarov took a deep breath and looked at his companions.

Said: "Now is the most critical time in the world. I have discussed with many people in the trade union. This time, it is very dangerous, so I plan to let the people from the blue sky horse, the merman's heel, and the snake's scale to help. We'll deal with them!"

There was a sense of relief in Wuchen.

At least there are these sorcerers!

Makarov then said: "Don't worry! They and we are the vanguard, and then the kingdom will send troops to form a coalition with us to attack the island! I have already reported this matter, and I am against the crowd. The proposal made everyone accept this opinion, so no one will object!"

Wuchen naturally knows Makarov's powerful strength, and most of the suggestions made will be implemented!

After he heard the news, he was even more happy, and it was much better now.

A smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Makarov's expression became even deeper, and he said coldly: "The trouble is still to come, because now the problem you mentioned caused us to find it too. The movement of the dark union, the six demon generals who wanted you to deal with it before, have moved inexplicably."

When Wu Chen heard this, he was stunned.Said: "President, what's going on?"

Makarov said coldly: "General Six Demons, the news we received is that they want to obtain Nirvana magic, and they seem to have obtained some kind of power and are heading to the island, and it can be verified that they are heading towards this island. The city is here to go out to sea in the city's harbor to find the tower of paradise!"

When Wuchen heard this, he immediately took a breath, no way!

Because of this incident, all those guilds came over?

Although the strength of the 6 magic generals is very water.

But if you add a 6 magic general, it will definitely be a lot of trouble.

At this time, Makarov went on to say: "It's not that simple, and the door to the underworld, in the news we learned, has already appeared around the city, obviously looking for something! Or Looking for that island!"

When Wuchen heard this, his scalp tingled immediately, and the backstory he remembered told him that it was one of the ultimate big bosses!

Makarov's expression became extremely serious and said: "And even the movement of the legendary demon heart has become clear! All the dark unions seem to be moving because of that power!"

As soon as Wuchen heard these words, his scalp was numb, it was troublesome now, and it had to be solved!

Thinking like this in his heart, he couldn't help but say coldly: "I understand! Everyone should be more careful about these things!"

His words came out.

Taking a deep breath, the TV looked at everyone, and then moved away.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Wuchen said slowly: "This is Turtledove, she is also the one who helps us deal with the dark unions, those dark unions are gradually approaching the sea, obviously attracted by the energy in them, so everyone must be more careful, because If you want to go to sea, you have to pass through our city, it is very likely that they will even deal with us together, it will be very troublesome now!"

When the words were spoken, everyone nodded.

There is a bit of complexity in Wuchen's eyes. Has the world changed because of his arrival?Or other reasons, but no matter what it is, it is very dangerous, and you must solve it!

He thought so in his mind.

Couldn't help but have a bold idea.

Now the black dragon is dead.

Jeff has also been sealed.

And now, Natsu is still sleeping in the body, the legendary Dragon King might as well activate the Dragon King with power!

Use the Dragon King to deal with the power on the island!

This will make it easier for yourself.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

And this time.

Wuchen walked out of the door immediately after thinking about it.

Natsu was still sleeping at home, so of course he was going home! ..

076, Helpless Plan [Chapter Three]

Dust-free soon returned home.

At this time, Natsu was just having breakfast.

He blinked blankly.

Raised his head and looked at the dust-free.

Wuchen said with a sigh of relief: "I thought you were going somewhere..."

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