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Chapter 378 Heaven's Royal [First Update]

Kaguya's face was full of astonishment. After thousands of years of accumulation, her peaceful heart was already calm and stagnant, and at this moment her heart was like a stormy sea.

"Damn boy, I knew that I should have killed him secretly from the beginning, and it has grown to this day. It's a misstep!"

Hei Jue stared at the light ball that Susanoo was holding in his hand, and he said bitterly, which was composed of black liquid matter, and the meaning revealed in his words was extremely regretful.

At the same time, he cursed Madara Uchiha, who had died, without hesitation.

"Yes, not getting rid of him at the beginning was indeed a failure."

Kaguya lowered her head, her eyes twitched differently, she tried her best to pretend to be calm, but anyone could hear the remorse in her tone.

"It's all my fault."

Hei Jue in the sleeve sighed, full of helplessness, and at the same time, he changed the conversation and said tentatively: "Mother, this guy's strength is so powerful, it is not a bad thing for us who are walking on thin ice."

The voice of the Darkest Arabian Nights caused Kaguya to be slightly stunned, and after a while, she nodded silently.

"Although there is the suspicion of bringing wolves into the room, it is a feasible plan. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. The purpose of that woman is all living beings, including me, this little devil called Wuchen is also her prey, especially his strength. There is absolutely no reason for that bastard woman to let go of a shocking person, after all, these are the blood that made her stronger."

Kaguya's thoughts fell into memory, recalling the mysterious woman who once invaded this land, her expression gloomy, it is precisely because she is not the opponent of that woman, so she will release the great illusion of "Infinite Moon Reading" to the whole world. Let all mankind become her soldiers to defend against the enemy.

"Damn it, it's so hot!"

Hei Jue in the sleeve groaned in pain, staring at the light ball in Susanoku's hand, and said with fear: "The principle of this technique seems to be the same as the mother's 'expansion seeking jade'."

The sky for hundreds of miles was covered with golden flashes, and the fiery temperature eroded the void. Because of the light, destruction and new life coexisted.

Looking away, I saw Susanoo holding a huge ball of light in his hand, which was as terrifying as the sun, constantly sucking in the photons from the outside world and expanding his size.

Anything that comes into contact with it is instantly vaporized.

The world inside the ball of light is warm and peaceful, full of vitality, and full of vitality. It seems that as long as this devastated world is destroyed, the new world that is constantly enlarged in the ball of light will replace it.

"Concubine body is immortal body!"

Looking directly at the approaching light ball, or the approaching sun without fear, Kaguya said decisively, and at the same time, the momentum climbed, with a solemn expression on her face, Dayou and Wuchen were broken. formation.

Just listening to Hei Jue's ears is not enough.

There is a saying that there is a strong middle and a strong middle hand. If Kaguya is truly immortal and fearless, there is no need to spend "Infinite Monthly Reading" to create her own soldiers to meet the enemy in the face of the invaders from the foreign land. .

Just like Madara Uchiha, he didn't know Kaguya's peerless elegance, and thought he was an invincible existence. In fact, in Kaguya's eyes, he was a clown-like figure.

"This world is an important nursery for concubines, let's fight to the death in other worlds..."

The line of sight spreads, and the situation of the whole world can be seen at a glance. Kaguya suddenly said, no matter what the dust is, Qianqianyu pointed out the sleeve elegantly, and the curved finger flicked, and the void splashed with ripples.

In an instant, the extremely domineering aura overflowed from the body, Kaguya turned into a peerless goddess who controls everything, and the time and space were rapidly twisted.

With a coquettish shout, the world in front of him suddenly began to change shape, turning into a strange world.

"The Royal Palace of Heaven!"

The world that comes into view is a world apart, turning into an unknown and mysterious space full of dissolved acid, and Wuchen is also suddenly forced to be pulled into this unfamiliar world.


Unpredictable, Susanoo fell directly into the ocean full of acid, and the invincible Susanoo was dismembered and melted into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Only the golden energy balls gathered in the sky remained.

"Want to devour me?! Then I will devour your acid-dissolving world first!"

Grimly laughed, Wuchen's body emerged from the sea of ​​acid, looking at Kaguya with a gloomy face, and with a sudden wave of his big hand, the huge ball of light began to expand at a speed unseen by the naked eye.

"To ashes with your world!"

The golden energy ball expands indefinitely, and in the short time of counting the breath, the volume is several times that of the previous one, and any object it touches turns into ashes and evaporates.

The same is true of the dissolved acid of the previously melted complete body Susanohu. After a burst of boiling that was unwilling to be destroyed, it was still evaporated in an understatement.

The ever-expanding golden light creates a new space and devours everything in the original world.

It has the same effect as Kaguya's "Expansion Seeking Jade".

This is Wuchen's awakening state of using the glittering fruit, and one of Susanoh's tricks, which is no worse than Kaguya's "expansion seeking jade".

"This kid really wants to be killed."

Taking a deep breath, Kaguya clenched her fists tightly and said in a suppressed voice that she could absorb ordinary techniques, but light did not belong to the category of techniques.

Under such a severe situation, there are only two options, either bite the bullet and be swallowed by the golden light, or passively avoid the battle.

Without thinking about it, Kaguya directly tore the space and jumped in without hesitation. She is not a masochist, and even if she is immortal, she does not dare to fight recklessly.

Moreover, this strange light group felt extremely dangerous to her, and even if she was immortal, she would end up forever.

"Stupid woman, what you are waiting for is now!"

Seeing this, the corner of Wuchen's mouth raised a strange smile, staring at the closed dark space that had not yet disappeared, his eyes turned, exuding surging pupil power.

The sphere of light that destroyed the world disappeared along with the dust.

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