Ignilu hurriedly dodged to the side.

at this time.

Wuchen shouted loudly: "Six seals!"

The moment the words were spoken, I saw that he immediately activated the energy in his body, and the energy in his body made him put on the clothes of the Six Path Immortals again!

Six tin sticks in hand!

At the same time, a clean light appeared on the ground, and the clean light immediately rushed to the sky.

The flames and demonic radiance on Natsu made him look like a giant dragon, but at this time, his legs, body and hands were directly pierced by those clean rays of light!

The whole body was penetrated by the light like a sharp blade, and at the same time, it was immediately pulled down.

There was an unwilling look in Natsu's eyes, but he was quickly pulled to the ground, followed by those chains, the rays of light were constantly entangled around him, making his whole body useless!

Wuchen immediately grabbed his hands firmly, for fear that his strength would loosen if he let go!

Natsu kept breaking free from the chains that were transformed by the cleansing light.

But it didn't have any effect, as if the weeds could never be cut down, he fought desperately, but he was entangled with all his might, and what was even more surprising was that his power couldn't burn at this moment.

Wuchen took a deep breath.

He shouted in a low voice, "Four elephant seals!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a ray of light appeared in his hand, extending directly to the past.

How could Natsu withstand this move at this moment, he was immediately blocked, his hands and feet, this is what Wuchen wanted!

After being sealed with both hands and feet.

Natsu rolled his eyes immediately.

Wuchen walked over helplessly, with a distressed look on his face.


Ignilu slowly lowered his body and walked over and said, "What do you do now? What are you going to do to my son?"

Wuchen looked back at the huge body, and said with a wry smile: "No way, I can only use this method to see if it can awaken his will!"

Ignilu was stunned.

Wuchen walked over slowly, and pointed his finger directly on Natsu's body.

He took a deep breath, and immediately activated the characteristics of Wood Dun.

Absorb Chakra.

Natsu has a strong demonic energy in his body. He just inhaled it into his body, and immediately he felt a burning sensation, but through the operation of the power in his body, it immediately turned into a majestic power.

But only for a few minutes.

Wuchen felt that his strength was completely saturated, and he couldn't help but take two or three steps back in surprise.

At this time, Natsu's enthusiasm has also completely weakened, and the violent eyes gradually turned into confusion, because the loss of power has reduced the wildness of the madness.

But not only that.

Wuchen opened his eyes in amazement, only to see that the energy on his body was actually superimposing, although he absorbed a lot of it, but because his own body was the body of a demon!

It is the devil of the end!

The recovery of Natsu's internal strength did not mean that his sanity was lost again. Instead, he opened his eyes in confusion, stared blankly at the people in front of him and said, "No dust? What's going on? Wait a minute..."

He stared blankly at Ignilu in front of him, and involuntarily took a deep breath. He couldn't guess what was going on for a while, and he was stunned for a while before responding. ..

079, must win [first more]

With a wry smile on Wuchen's face, he said, "Your old father is here, but I'm not responsible for explaining this to you. I need your help now. You have the power of demons in you, so I just put Some of the power of the demons in your body has been drawn away, so that you now finally have a trace of sanity!"

Recalling what happened just now, Natsu smiled a little embarrassedly, but soon said with a look of surprise: "Why do I have the power of a demon? What is going on? Why is this happening? "

There was a deep surprise in his words, and he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Wuchen smiled bitterly and said, "We'll talk about this later. Now you have to learn to manipulate this power, you know?"

Natsu was stunned when he heard this.

Wuchen immediately released the shackles on him.

Natsu had just been released, and immediately clenched his fists and looked up at the Fire Dragon King in front of him.

Igniru looked at Natsu.

The two looked at each other.

Natsu suddenly shouted excitedly: "It's really you!!!"

The words came out and flew straight up.

He quickly hugged Ignilu's neck!

There was an expression of ecstasy on his face.

Ignilu looked helpless, shook his neck and said, "You guys are really troublesome, forget it, just listen to him now, you have to learn to manipulate your power, you know?"

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