The flood turned into a Flood Dragon, rushed straight up, and collided with the chain.

The three of Prechito were directly hit and flew out.

In the eyes of Preshito, there was a strong color of surprise and crawled up on the ground.

He just thought it was incredible that this guy was proficient in so much magic...

There was a look of surprise on his face.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and slapped his palms again.

He shouted loudly: Wood Dun: The Art of Wood Dragon! "

The voice fell, and behind him, a huge wooden dragon rushed up immediately, hovered directly in the air, and slammed into the three of them.

Zancrow roared, and then shouted loudly: "God's Roar!"

These words were spoken, and the black and white flames spit out from the mouth, burning the wooden dragon clean!

At this time, Wuchen again formed a seal and shouted: "Ash burn!"

The sound fell, and immediately a gray-white flame was sprayed directly, wrapping the three of them.

After all, Preshito was an old fox, and immediately retreated. The other two didn't have time to understand, but there was a click, and the sound of a booming explosion sounded, and both of them were burned.

Although Zancroft was a person who used God-destroying magic, he was directly bombed before he could absorb it, and his body was black!

And Brunot was directly blown up!

Wuchen said to the others coldly: "I will deal with everyone in the devil's heart!"

His words were spoken coldly.

Immediately, he slapped his palms on the ground and shouted coldly, "Huo Dun: Extinguishing the arrogant fire!"

When the sound fell, flames no longer spewed out of his mouth immediately!

A huge wave of fire swept across the crowd directly, and the three of them were stunned.

Preshito, reacted at this time, snorted coldly, and shouted loudly: "Amaterasu: Twenty-eight!"

When these words fell, a black-purple light wave appeared on the body, directly wrapping the three of them, and the sound of the rumbling explosion sounded, and the rise and the fire wave canceled each other out!

Wuchen immediately rushed forward.

Precito was not afraid, the two fought against each other, and the crackling sound rang out.

Dustless Fist is extremely fast, but it can't reach Prechito.

There was also a look of surprise on his face.

Although Precito's fist is heavy, it can't hit the dust!

Wuchen flew back and stepped back, his hands were imprinted!

Roaring: "Water Escape: Big burst of water!"

When these words were spoken, water was immediately spit out from the mouth, and the sound of rumbling sounded directly, and the shock wave like a tsunami was spit out from the mouth!

Preshito once again let go of the magic in his hands and shouted loudly: "Amaterasu: Hundreds of styles!"

Immediately afterwards, before the two people beside him had time to react, the sound of a rumbling explosion sounded, and the huge explosion blew the two people into coke. The explosion will be directly scrapped.

Wuchen took a dozen steps back again, and then he stabilized his body. This guy is really powerful, and at this time, everyone was desperately attacking the magic soldier that came out of the tower, and the protective cover on the tower. !

087. The Difficult Enemy [First Update]

The dust-free eyes immediately changed.

His eyes immediately turned into kaleidoscope blood round eyes.

Then he whispered: "Amaterasu!"

These words said what happened before Preshito could react, and immediately stared at him in surprise and flickered to the side. His speed was exceeding the speed of sound. surpass him.

Because Preshito uses black magic, which is the legendary powerful magic that is close to the abyss.

The dust-free moment was completely unable to keep up with the speed of focusing!

Precito should have been burned with black flames, but he flashed aside and Zancroft beside him was burned.

Zanclo was already dying, and he was suddenly burned by the black Amaterasu flame, and he shouted, but it didn't work at all!

Wuchen snorted coldly, not planning to cancel.

Precito didn't go to relieve the pain of his subordinates, but looked at Wuchen coldly.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face, and then his eyes focused again.

But right now.

Precito immediately took a deep breath, and his body turned into a gust of lightning and instantly came to the fists in front of him, full of dark energy, slamming against the dust-free body!

Wuchen suddenly raised his head, and Preshido hadn't reacted yet, and suddenly froze, he was sluggish, and the black energy on his body slowly disappeared.

Prechito was stunned.

There was a deep surprise in his eyes.

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