At this time, Makarov gritted his teeth and said, "Nothing..."

Erza felt a little strange in her heart, but she didn't ask any further questions about Mid-Autumn Festival.

Gray had heard the words just now, and his mood was even more complicated. It turned out that that was the last president, did it become like this?Why is this happening?Why is this so? !

But at this time, although everyone's mood was complicated, they still had to resist those demon soldiers.

Wuchen took a deep breath. He knew that this matter was very troublesome, and he had to get rid of this guy. Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome when other dark unions came. The more he thought about it, the more troubled he felt. It’s not much worse, but it’s impossible for me to use all my strength to deal with him, so I must keep it!

Gritting his teeth, he took a deep breath.

Now I can only use the power to deal with him!

I was thinking about it, right now.

However, Natsu directly swept a large area of ​​magic soldiers, but saw that Preshito was still there!

He directly shouted: "The blade of the demon dragon!"

His words suddenly jumped up with flames, and the wind blade in his hand smashed directly towards Preshito!

At this time, Precito was startled at first, but immediately snorted coldly!

There was a cold murderous aura in his eyes, and his eyes widened!

He wants to take this move with both hands! ..

088. Defeating the Devil's Heart [First Update]

But even if he wanted to take this move with both hands!

Wuchen didn't want to give him this chance.

A sneering expression was drawn on his face, he snorted coldly, his hands suddenly clapped together, his eyes widened immediately, and violent chakra appeared on his body!

The chakra rays soared directly into the sky, making the situation in 4 weeks change color!

He said coldly: "If you want to take the trick, you are still too tender!"

Immediately after his words were spoken, he took a deep breath, and at this time!

Just now.

Wuchen laughed coldly, suddenly stretched out his right hand, and slapped the ground with his palm!

After hitting the ground with a palm.

All of his eyes turned into reincarnation nine-gou jade!

The moment Samsara Jiugongyu was lifted up at this time!

Wuchen said coldly: "Six Sealing Techniques! Earth Blasts Heavenly Stars!"

The words were just spoken.

Natsu's powerful strength directly swept Precito out.

How much power does Precito still have, and it was directly smashed by this huge force and flew out.

But just when he wanted to resist, at this moment a huge gravitational ball hit his body with a bang. Then you try to make half a person hit his body so hard, in the eyes of everyone. Going down, he only heard a wailing sound, followed by a crackling sound, and one stone after another smashed onto his body!

Even though his body was wearing armor, but at this time being smashed by stones, he involuntarily spit out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes were full of horror, and he involuntarily widened his eyes, and the crackling sound sounded!

At this time, Precito was completely unable to use his strength, and saw that stones kept hitting him.

Wuchen controlled the stones to keep smashing on him, and there was a bit of grimness in his expression. With a roar, more stones rushed out from the ground and smashed directly on Plessy. on Toto's body.

Precito cried out in pain, but was soon smashed by many stones and was completely speechless, and was buried under the stone, which was now bigger than everyone's spaceship. of.

Slowly the stone flew into the sky.

Wuchen took a deep breath and said coldly, "Just let you float in space forever!"

When the words were spoken, his eyes widened immediately.

Gritting his teeth, he shouted loudly, "Shenwei!"

The moment he said these words, under the situation of everyone's astonishment, at this moment, his eyes turned into writing wheel eyes!

The moment when the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes changes!

Under the boulder that sealed Preshito, the space collapsed immediately.

Kacha Kacha sounded, and Makarov couldn't accept this for a while, and involuntarily widened his eyes.

Surprised, he said, "What are you doing..."

Wuchen said coldly: "Let him die!"

The words were spoken.

I saw that his eyes became sharper and faster, and the sound of the rumbling explosion sounded. It was the shattering of the space, the sound of the explosion, and the huge stone was instantly sent to the Shenwei space!

After being sent to the Shenwei space.

Wuchen quickly looked up at the starry sky, and immediately widened his eyes, and then he saw the vast Milky Way.

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