Looking back.

It was a dark-skinned man.

Or a black man.

There was a mocking look on the black man's face.

Wuchen knows that Asians are not welcome in Sam's country in this day and age.

He snorted coldly and didn't intend to pay attention to this group of people. After all, this is a legal society. If you make a move, even if you are powerful, it is impossible to challenge the entire society and the law. !

The thought in his heart was to speed up and move forward!

Soon, he came to a remote small street.

He knew that he had to walk through this small street and enter another street before he could reach the antique store.

Right at this time.

A leisurely voice came from behind: "Hello, miss..."

Wuchen took a deep breath, turned around and said, "What's the matter?"

His words were said coldly, because his voice was cold, and the words he said at this time were also a little quiet.

And this time.

The man who stopped him, the black man who whistled just now, widened his eyes in amazement and said, "Interesting guy..."

After the words were spoken, he immediately clenched his fist, and his fist was covered with a finger tiger.

Slowly move towards dust-free.

The dust-free look is not good-looking.

Said, "Damn it!"

He drank suddenly in a low voice, and immediately jumped straight up!

Jumped directly in front of the black man.

The black man was startled, his eyes widened, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva involuntarily.

Wuchen looked at his frightened appearance, turned around and left.

He didn't want to cause trouble. ..

099. Application [Second Update]


Wuchen walked before the familiar storefront.

He always remembered what the storefront of this play looked like when he was a child!

Step forward slowly.

And this time.

When Jackie Chan and Dad saw him walking in, their faces showed surprise.

Wuchen was dressed like a medieval dress, which completely attracted the two of them.

A smile appeared on Jackie Chan's face, and he stepped forward in Chinese English and said, "Hello sir, do you need to buy something??"

Dad was waiting behind Jackie Chan.

And this time.

Wuchen naturally does not understand English.

He raised his head and said, "Sorry I don't know English..."

It is spoken in pure national language.

At this time, Jackie Chan was stunned. He didn't expect that the person wearing such a medieval costume turned out to be a Chinese man.

He said blankly: "Well, I thought you were a European, but it turned out to be..."

Wuchen smiled and said, "I'm not here to buy things, I just want to ask if people are needed here? I need a job to support my life."

His words were neither humble nor arrogant, and his father was immediately stunned.

There was a bit of vigilance in his eyes, and he frowned and said, "You need a job, are you looking for a job??"

Wuchen hummed, nodded and said, "Yes, I hope I can get a job here, I can do anything..."

His words came out, and a smile appeared on his face.

Dad thought about it and said, "If you don't dislike it, you can do chores here... We really need it..."

These words just came out, and Jackie Chan said quickly: "But look at him like this..."

Jackie Chan naturally has scruples in his heart. After all, although Dad needs someone to help, there are not many things sold in the store.


Wuchen's appearance is obviously just like a minor. He is very unlike an adult. Providing work to minors is equivalent to hiring child labor!

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