101, black hand [fourth more]

There was a bit of helplessness in Jackie Chan's words.

The father said while drinking coffee: "This is your cousin Xinxin's daughter. Because she did not perform well in school, I hope to move in and live with you. Maybe you will teach Xiaoyu well."

When Jackie Chan heard this, he almost fainted.

He sighed and said, "Okay..."

Just then.

I saw three men slowly walking into the antique shop.

At this time, the old man went to the back to study and write inscriptions.

At this moment.

La Su took the lead and walked into the store first.

He said coldly, "Are you Mr. Jackie Chan??"

With a smile on his face, Jackie Chan nodded quickly and said, "It's me, what do you need!"

Lasu said coldly: "I heard that you recently got a shield. Our boss has money, and we hope we can buy that shield!"

His words were very domineering.

Jackie Chan frowned and said, "Sorry, we don't sell that shield..."

The words were just said, and a look was drawn.

A Fen and Zhou immediately snorted coldly, and the two immediately kicked aside like a column, placing the antique shelf.

With a light foot, it immediately made the things on the shelves seem to fall off.

Wuchen walked over quickly and supported everything.

His voice said coldly: "Please don't disturb our store, otherwise there will be unexpected results for you!"

This is spoken.

A Fen immediately stepped forward and said, "Sorry, we must get that shield!"

As soon as Wuchen heard these words, he immediately said: "But the southern shield has been donated to the school museum!"

There was a certain indifference in his words that could not be rejected.

At this moment, the three of them were all taken aback by the tone of voice.

Although the dust-free appearance at this time seems to be a female neutral style.

But the cold words and the murderous aura in their eyes made the three of them involuntarily take two steps back, and there was a bit of inexplicable fear in their eyes.

This guy is not easy.

The three gangsters made judgments in their hearts.

Jackie Chan said quickly: "Yes, but if you need something else, we can also help!"

Lasu said coldly, "We must get that shield, or your family..."

When Wuchen heard this, he immediately took a deep breath and took a step forward!

I saw a faint light appearing on his body inexplicably.

Everyone saw it, and Jackie Chan's eyes widened involuntarily.

The faint blue light that appeared on Wuchen's body was naturally Chakra.

Chakra flashed on his body in an instant, making the three of them startled, and quickly took two or three steps back.

Wuchen said coldly: "I'm sorry, but we don't want to sell, not only do we not want to sell, but we want to ask a few people to leave!"

His words were said coldly, this is the more radiant light on his body!

At the same time, the murderous aura in their eyes was directly revealed, and the three of them were startled, and immediately fled the store in embarrassment.

At this time, Jackie Chan also had sweat on his forehead.

Wuchen slowly put away the light, with a smile on his face, turned around and said, "What's wrong?"

Jackie Chan involuntarily stood still with an embarrassed look on his face and said, "No no..."

He didn't know what to say for a while, this guy seemed a little dangerous.

At this time, the old man held the shield blankly and said, "I seem to have noticed something, pay attention to the chicken!"

When he said his words, he immediately put his hand on the chicken charm!

There is a special engraving on the chicken charm, and the 10 points are conspicuous. At the same time, it has been said to pay attention to chickens before!

Dad naturally understood, he said: "Chicken, it can make people or objects float in the air!"

As soon as these words came out, Jackie Chan was immediately stunned.

Jackie Chan was slightly embarrassed.

But soon he turned his head to look at Xiaoyu and said quickly, "Hi, hello..."

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