A look of astonishment appeared on Zhou's face, and he couldn't help being stunned.

A Fen was stunned by the side.

But he quickly reacted and hurriedly shouted: "Take a weapon!"

The words said, and directly took out the electronic sword from the pocket!

Seeing this, Jackie Chan on the side yelled, "Be careful!"

Wuchen couldn't believe that there was a smile on his face, and there was an expression of interest in his eyes. These three unlucky bastards really had the heart to kill!

But the effort is too bad.

Lasu wanted to take revenge with an arrow, so he immediately rushed up and slashed directly with the sword in his hand.

Wuchen saw him rushing over and dodging to the side, he kicked him out with a kick from the side of his body, and with a slap, La Su hit the trash can next to him!

Zhou was taken aback, but at this time he was also in disarray.

Wuchen snorted coldly, rushed forward and hit his glasses with a punch.

There was a bang.After Zhou Quan's eyes were shattered, he was beaten and flew out.

Naturally, A Fen was also punched in the face, and the whole person was able to fly.

And at this moment, Jackie Chan couldn't help being stunned, this guy is amazing!

Wuchen loosened his muscles and said with a smile: "Robbery in the street is not good!"

Just then, a black car came slowly!

Dust-free turned his head and looked over.

There was nothing on it, not even the license plate was black.

Soon, a large group of people got off the car, and the group of people with guns in their hands surrounded everyone in an instant.

Wuchen was also stunned.

Walking slowly from the front of the car, I got a big bald head.

At this time, the big bald head made Jackie Chan say with a surprised look on his face: "Black!"

Sheriff Black said with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry..."

His words came out, and he quickly took out a bottle of spray from his pocket, stepped forward and sprayed it directly on Jackie Chan's face!

At this time, taking advantage of this gap, the trio quickly drove away.

Wuchen was stunned.

Sheriff Black stepped forward immediately and sprayed him in the face.

Wuchen didn't want to faint at first, but he wanted to pretend to be dizzy, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and with a snap, he fell to his knees softly.

Sheriff Black gave an order, and soon the two were taken into the car.

With the shaking of the car.

Jackie Chan woke up slowly.

Blinking his eyes and looking at Blake, he said, "Blake is you. We haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you since college, my good friend..."

Just after he said this, he seemed to have thought of something again. Looking at Blake's slightly embarrassed picture, he hurriedly said, "Wait... What did you spray me with just now?"

Blake was stunned.

Said: "Yes, that place is too mysterious, I can't let others know..."

His words came out with a helpless look on his face.

Then he looked at Wuchen who was pretending to be dizzy and said, "The good news is that I even brought your friends here!"

Jackie Chan hurriedly said: "We are also friends, why are you dizzy, I'm really puzzled, really angry, no, I'm going home!"

After his words were spoken, he immediately transformed into a body and stood up and went to the car door. He had just opened the door when the car suddenly stopped for a while!

This made Jackie slam directly out of the car door.

Jackie Chan stood up quickly and said, "Damn, I'm going home now! I'm going to call a taxi!"

It was at this moment that his words were spoken, and when he was about to walk over, Blake hurriedly shouted: "Wait, don't..."

At this time, Jackie Chan walked directly into the phone booth and was about to make a call, but at this moment, with a snap, the whole person went on a rapid descent trip.

Wuchen pretended to have just woken up, blinked, and saw a smile on Blake's face in front of him.

Soon the smile disappeared, and Blake explained: "Please come with me..."

Wuchen nodded with a confused look, and soon, Blake took him to the stairs.

He also finally knew what happened to the stairs.

Soon, the two slowly descended to District 13.

At this moment, Jackie Chan stood blankly at the entrance of District 13, his eyes were full of surprise, but when he turned his head, he saw Wuchen and Sheriff Black!

Sheriff Black looked at Jackie Chan and said, "Welcome to District 13!"

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