Trudeau said coldly: "If you want to see your lovely and smart dad, then you remember to bring that shield to me, otherwise you are ready to see your dad fighting sharks in the sea! "

He said his words, hung up the phone directly, and smashed the phone on the table roughly.

Jackie Chan immediately clenched his fists. At this time, this matter is related to the safety of the father, so he can't let him not worry!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Sheriff Black helped me take care of Xiaoyu, I'm going back now! I'm in a hurry!"

His words came out, and he rushed out quickly, and Sheriff Black didn't have time to stop him.

At this time, Xiaoyu was just about to leave.

Wuchen frowned and directly pressed Xiaoyu's shoulder and said, "Children, don't walk around, follow Sheriff Black, I'll just go over there!"

His words came out.

What was swiftly was that he walked directly to the direction of the stairs. His speed was even faster, which was astonishingly fast.

Because he already has the speed of light.

Jackie Chan was anxiously walking on the road at this time.

at this time.

Wuchen appeared beside him and said, "Don't worry, Daddy will not be in danger now, because they didn't get what they wanted, and they won't do anything to Daddy. Now the danger should be how to get out in a while. , Although that shield is very important, we must also ensure the safety of our own lives!"

At this time, Jackie Chan just remembered the existence of such a person. He was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look over, and involuntarily said in shock, "Hey, what's the matter with you? How did you get here!"

Wuchen said, "Why can't I be here? Besides, I can fight better than you!"

When he said that, he rushed forward quickly.

Jackie Chan couldn't catch up a little at this time.

The dust-free physique is already strong and terrifying, and at the same time, the power of chakra is added to his feet. Naturally, he is many times faster than Jackie Chan, and he will soon return to Dad's antique shop.

After returning to the store, the first thing he did was to find the shield.

At this moment, Jackie Chan returned to the store out of breath, looked at him, holding the shield in his hand, and said with a wry smile: "You guys are really fast... But what are we going to do now?"

Wuchen said: "Give them the shield!"

His words came out.

He quickly pulled the spell from the center of the shield!

After digging out that spell

Wuchen said: "Anyway, the only important thing is this thing, let's go!"

When Jackie Chan heard this, his eyes widened involuntarily, with a surprised look on his face, but he chose to believe it. ..

104. Rescue Dad [Second]

Soon, the two of them took the shield and quickly arrived in front of a dilapidated and abandoned building.

The building is very dilapidated with signs of repairs all over it.

And it can be seen that it is very old, and even the building materials are not reinforced concrete.

But very ordinary masonry.

Jackie Chan stood downstairs and clenched his fists involuntarily. At this time, he was worried about the safety of his father's life!

Wuchen patted Jackie Chan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Brother Long, but it's just a mere Tru, I can handle it!"

When he said that, he directly took the shield and quickly walked to the rooftop from the first floor.

Go to the top of the highest floor.

On the roof deck.

At this moment, Trudeau is holding his father hostage.

He looked at Wuchen in front of him coldly and said, "Bring the shield!"

Wuchen shrugged his shoulders and threw the shield in his hand.

Trudeau was stunned for a moment, and immediately let go of Dad's hands, and then caught the shield with both hands

A smile appeared on his face, and then a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared in the moonlight.

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, looked at 4 weeks, and said loudly: "Dad, run!"

After Dad heard these words, he quickly changed to 4 and ran directly towards the gate.

At this time, those people had already surrounded both of them, and Dad stood beside Wuchen, feeling a little scared in his heart.

Wuchen had no fear at all, and clenched his fists lightly and said, "It's just the Black Shadow Corps. Do you think you scare me??"

His words came out, and Truu said coldly at this time: "I'm sorry, I really scared you!"

Only at this time, a soldier of the Black Shadow Corps directly took a samurai sword and slashed towards Wuchen's head!

When Wuchen saw his samurai sword slashed over, he snorted coldly, and his hand sparked a light.

Immediately after a ray of light was formed in the palm of the hand, a golden-yellow ray of light formed a long sword in the hand!

When the swords collided, there was a loud bang, and the soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps were directly split into two halves, turning into shadows and dissipating!

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