When Wuchen watched cartoons before, I never thought that Xiaoyu would really eat like a boy, so indifferent, but today I saw the real person, the real version, and rolled my eyes involuntarily, If this little girl was in the time and space where she was before, she would be taught a lesson!

But when he was thinking like this, Jackie Chan immediately slapped Xiaoyu on the head and said, "Xiaoyu, you can't make a loud noise when you eat, it's rude to others! "

Xiaoyu snorted when she heard this.

A slightly disappointed look appeared on his face, but he quickly said, "But the food here is delicious..."

Wuchen said: "But even if it's delicious, be polite!"

And while they were eating, in a high-rise building, hidden in an office among the buildings in San Francisco.

A man with an understanding expression, looking at the golden shield that appeared in front of him, frowned involuntarily, there was a dragon behind him!

Or the Panlong sculpture formed by a dragon!

The sculpture said slowly: "Walong, your subordinates are really trash. You actually brought back the so-called shield. You know what I want is not the shield, but the contents of the shield!"

Trudeau was taken aback at this time.

But at this moment, Wallon snorted coldly, turned around and said to Tru, "Tru!"

Trudeau was startled, and quickly knelt down and said, "My master..."

Wallon said coldly, "What's going on? Where's the spell on it?"

After Tru heard this, he froze and said, "What spell? I only got this... shield..."

Wallon immediately turned gloomy!

At this time, the Holy Master said: "Your men's eyes are not very good, let me help them, only the eyes of the dragon can see the treasure that belongs to the dragon!"

His words came out, and a detector formed by 4 dragons slowly appeared on his body.

The detector fell on the table with a snap, and the Holy Master said coldly: "Take this thing, you will find the spell, I want to see the spell!"

After saying this, Tru nodded.

A group of people quickly left with the detector and a large group of shadow troops.

At this time, the Holy Master said coldly to Wallon: "What I hope to see is that they bring back the spells. Only by collecting 12 spells can I give you the treasure of the Golden Rooster King!"

Wallon nodded.

And at this time.

Rasu holds the detector in his hand.

Slowly, he came directly to the noodle shop.

A group of people came quickly before the noodle shop.

I saw that Truu suddenly kicked open the door of the noodle shop. The huge body kicked the whole door open. He forced his way into the noodle shop. The tall body shocked everyone.

At this moment, Jackie Chan immediately stood up, widened his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It's you Tru!"

Tru said: "Jackie Chan hand over the spell!"

His words were very clear, and he immediately stretched out his hand. At the same time, the long dragon naturally knew where the spell was!

In his trouser pocket, he said coldly, "I'm sorry, I can't give it to you!"

When Truru heard this, he snorted coldly, clenched his fist and smashed it directly.

At this moment, the sound of rumbling sounded, and Tru's huge body was kicked out.

Wuchen slowly stood up and patted his feet.

He said coldly, "How dare you influence this uncle's mood to eat!"

Tru was kicked away, went out and smashed the door frame, and the whole person was kicked out and hit the telephone pole outside the door.

When the other three looked like this, they were all frightened to the horror of Sanhun's frustrated face.

Wuchen looked at the three of them coldly and said, "I think you all want to eat your fists too, don't you!"

His words came out of his mouth coldly, and there was only a cold murderous aura in his eyes, and his whole body released a murderous aura that people dared not approach.

At this time, the three of them were all taken aback, and swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva involuntarily, with an inexplicable sense of fear all over their bodies.

Wuchen said coldly, "See if you haven't eaten enough punches and feet, right?"

These words have just been said, and at this time under the lamp, the customers were all taken aback.

A Fen gritted his teeth at this time, and immediately stepped forward, directly pulled out his pistol and said to Wuchen: "Hand over the spell on your body, or I will shoot you!"

He was about to shoot immediately.

Wuchen immediately squatted down, and suddenly roared: "The big whirlwind of Konoha!"

After saying this, the body suddenly rotated, kicked out, and the whole pistol was kicked and shattered!

A Fen's body was also kicked and flew out, his body hit the trash can beside him, and he almost fell over.

At this moment, under the lamp, one after another dark shadow corps slowly appeared.

At this moment, Dad, Jackie Chan, and Xiaoyu were all vigilant, and the shop owner shivered and hid under the table, for fear of affecting himself.

Wuchen coldly looked at the shadow corps around and said, "Don't be afraid, these people are just ordinary shadow corps!"

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