When he said this, he immediately turned around suddenly and kicked it directly.

When Jackie Chan saw that he was kicked directly by a high ladder, he immediately saw his flaws, his face showed disdain, shook his head gently, took a half step back, and immediately kicked the high!

Kicked off in an instant.

Jackie Chan seized the opportunity, and immediately another scorpion swung its tail and swept across with one kick!

He squatted down and swept out the porridge. He couldn't react as quickly as he was swept to the ground. There was a loud bang, his body hit the ground, and there was a very loud sound.

There was a thick look of astonishment on his face, completely unexpected why Jackie Chan was so strong!

Jackie Chan smiled and said, "Your body has become stronger, but I don't know why your skills seem to have weakened?"

There was obviously a bit of sarcasm in his words, and a smile appeared on his face, although faint traces began to appear on his forehead and feet, which were obviously traces of Gouyu!

Jackie Chan didn't realize that he just hooked Zhou!

After Zhou saw his gesture, he became even more angry, and immediately got up and gritted his teeth and said, "I won't lose to you, do you think I will lose! Dragon Claw!"

After saying this, he immediately clenched his fists and punched out suddenly. Jackie Chan couldn't help being stunned for a moment. terrified!

Jackie Chan involuntarily gasped, what happened?How did this guy's strength suddenly become stronger, with a look of astonishment on his face, he hurriedly flashed to the side, this punch hit the wall behind him, and the wall exploded directly!

A big hole appeared in the wall, which surprised Jackie Chan! ..

115. Control [fourth more]

Jackie Chan involuntarily took a breath.

There was horror in his eyes, why did this guy become so strong, it was incredible!

The more and more terrifying it became, this guy must have obtained some kind of demon power.

Jackie Chan thought so in his heart.

At this time, Zhou said coldly: "Give me death!"

After saying this, he immediately raised his fists. At the same time, purple flames appeared on his elbows, and a thick light appeared on his fists. He raised his head coldly and looked at Jackie Chan. Exudes a strong murderous aura!

He said coldly, "Give me death!"

As soon as he said this, he took a sudden step forward, and an extremely violent flame was sprayed from the pillar of his fist!

The high-heat flames sprayed out from his fists in an instant. At this time, even Jackie Chan couldn't help taking a breath. Looking at the flames rushing in front of him, his face revealed an expression of unconfident fear.

But Jackie Chan was still Jackie Chan at this time. He bit his teeth and immediately found the feeling. He took a deep breath. Just as the flame was about to come to the front of his body, he immediately put the chakra all over his body. Energy is concentrated in the epidermis!

Although he knew that he might get injured, he still had to bet on the energy of this guy's flames!

Thinking like this in his heart seemed like he was making a bet, at this moment, the high-heat flames poured onto him in an instant.

The flame was like cold water covering the head, but unfortunately it was a very hot flame. If it was cold water, it would be better, and then there was an incomparably hot feeling.

But soon Jackie Chan's body was covered with the flame-like jade tattoo.

The whole body of the tattoo is all over the back, and there are gradually some traces of variation, or there are traces that belong to the mode of the big snake and the immortal!

At this time, what slowly grew out of Jackie Chan's back was a bone spur that pierced his clothes.

But he didn't notice, but slowly opened his eyes, put his arms down, stared blankly at the flame-like tattoos on his arms, stunned for a moment, but a smile appeared on his face Said, "Looks like I'm fine!"

Zhou noticed Jackie Chan's change!

There was also a look of astonishment on his face. He couldn't help but retract his hands. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes. After two or three steps, he couldn't understand why Jackie Chan became so much stronger!

Jackie Chan laughed at this time and said, "However, I should respect you too!"

The moment he said those words, his body moved in an instant.

Zhou didn't have time to react at all, and Jackie Chan came directly in front of his body, but only half a step left, and immediately crouched down and punched him in the abdomen.

Zhou didn't have time to react. After being punched in the abdomen, he slammed into the door that was in no state. He was beaten and flew out and hit the wall of the corridor behind him. There was an unbearable expression on his face. All of them were surprised.

Wuchen woke up from a drunken dream at this time, and he hurriedly woke up directly from the bed, with a bit of surprise on his face. What happened?How can it be so loud?

With this thought in his heart, he immediately opened the door of his room.

At this moment, he directly saw that Jackie Chan was about to completely become the second state.

At this time, Jackie Chan grew wings like giant hands on his back. At the same time, his face was completely black, and he even had a cross star-like scar on his face.

The full head of short hair has turned into long hair, and the clothes on the upper body are also torn.

Although the left hand is not yet fully immortalized, it is already covered with the curse marks of those days!

At this time, Jackie Chan's eyes involuntarily revealed murderous intent.

Wuchen was taken aback immediately, to know that Jackie Chan is a real pacifist, and this time it was really because of the influence of those forces.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately planned to seal it!

Immediately after one step, he raised his right fist, his fist widened immediately, and he suddenly smashed it out!

Zhou Cai had just been punched into the wall and had no time to resist. He was punched in the face, spit out a mouthful of blood, and almost didn't get beaten to death.

A horrified look appeared on his face, followed by flames appearing on his body, and he roared. When Jackie Chan had just withdrawn his fist, he threw Jackie out with a punch, and hit the room with a bang. , Jackie Chan's huge body smashed the furniture inside a lot.

Where does Zhou still have the mind to fight, he quickly put away his strength, and at the same time his body ran quickly, he ran very fast, and immediately ran wildly towards the elevator.

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