The agency slowly opened.

What appeared in front of the two of them was nothing.

Nothing at all.

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and there was a stunned look on his face. It shouldn't be. The two of them came so early, no one should be able to get it!

He was also puzzled in his heart, even if the snake was so fast!

There was an incomprehensible look on Wuchen's face, and there was a deep surprise in his eyes. He couldn't imagine that someone would be faster than the two of them. How could it be possible that only snake charms exist here, which are relatively valuable cultural relics. There should be no one to steal this thing!

There was a strong look of surprise on his face, and there was a bit of guesswork in his eyes.

Jackie Chan frowned and said, "No, how could someone be faster than the two of us? Do other people know that there is a spell here? But who would come to steal that spell?"

Wuchen shook his head, frowned and said, "I don't know about this matter, but someone else must have stolen it, and this matter is more troublesome!"

When he said his words, he frowned involuntarily.

Said: "But now the important thing is not this, the spell can definitely be found!"

There was firmness in his words.

And this time.

He continued coldly: "The most important thing now is to get rid of that group of chasing soldiers, and someone actually knew the situation here first, which means that the spell has been taken away! The spell that was taken away, once it is taken by others If you use it, it will be troublesome, you must think of a way first!"

When his words came out, Jackie Chan expressed his approval.Say: "Yes!"

But he said distressedly: "But what if there are so many gangsters out there? Those people are not vegetarians, can we fight alone?"

With a smile on Wuchen's face, he said, "Don't worry, they definitely can't beat us!"

When the words say this, they are walking forward.

Jackie Chan originally wanted to stop him, but he walked too fast and Jackie Chan couldn't stop him at all.

Wuchen immediately walked to the door of the pyramid, just as a group of people looked over.

Wuchen took a deep breath and immediately formed the seal.

He only heard him shouting loudly: "Huo Dun: the art of fireball!"

The voice fell, and just as Jackie Chan chased after him, a violent flame spewed out of his mouth. The instant the flame spewed out of his mouth, the faces of the large group of gangsters showed a look of surprise. Before I could see it clearly, a huge fireball smashed straight down from the sky!

The fireball smashed directly from the air exploded with astonishing power in an instant, causing the gang leader to show a surprised look on his face, and led a large group of people to run away.

"Ah what's the matter!"

"How could this be? Why did such a big fireball fall from the sky? What's going on here!"

"Meteorite? Why is this happening!"

There was a deep surprise on his face, everyone ran quickly, Huang Yan almost burned those plants, and it was slowly extinguished.

Wuchen watched the group of people around him all run away, and then said with satisfaction: "Let's go!"

Jackie Chan's face was full of surprise, his eyes widened involuntarily, and there was a deep surprise in his eyes, which was very incomprehensible.

Said: "Why is your fire so strong, what's going on..."

Wuchen cut and said, "Let's go!"

There was a hint of helplessness in his voice.

Jackie Chan quickly followed in his footsteps, and after the two descended the stairs, they planned to return the same way.

Soon the two of them embarked on the road back to the original road, and the gangster just now was shocked, so no one dared to come out again to stop the two, so they watched the two leave! ..

119, Little Snake [fourth more]

The dust-free two quickly returned to the hotel.

When Dr. Matthews heard that the two had returned, he immediately rushed to the room.

The dust-free and Jackie Chan stayed in the dust-free room.

At this moment, Dr. Matthews knocked on the door desperately.

Wuchen frowned and sighed, it seemed that someone was harassing him again.

He slowly stood up and opened the door.

At this moment, Dr. Matthews said excitedly: "Have you found any important cultural relics? I want to take a look!"

There was a lot of excitement in his words, and a look of excitement appeared on his face for a while.

After hearing this, Wuchen rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't find anything!"

There was also a bit of disappointment in his words.

After all, the snake charm is also a very important charm!

As soon as Dr. Matthews heard this, he immediately frowned and said with disbelief: "How could it not be found? Have you been looking for it? I remember that there will be important cultural relics there. Why didn't you find it?!"

When Wuchen heard this, he rolled his eyes and said: "Then you said that you heard it, there is an old saying in our heaven called rumors that are not credible, rumors stop at the wise, we went to discuss, and we did not find any suitable Doctor, the item you came to study."

Dr. Matthews frowned immediately and said, "Did you really not find it? It's a very good place, there are pyramids, and the virgin forest there also has a lot of biological information to collect..."

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