And it hit the trash can beside the road with a bang.

The two looked at each other, and immediately ran away screaming.

At this time, Lasu had a speechless look on his face, and there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes. Sure enough, his teammates were so unreliable, which really made people feel helpless.

Wuchen turned around and looked at Lasu, who was beside him.

He said, "Oh, so you haven't died yet. I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive. Then I can ask questions!"

After his words came out, he walked over slowly.

The little snake also quickly got up from the cloth bag at this time.

Wuchen walked to Lasu's side, and then his hands suddenly pressed down on his shoulders.

Lasu was depressed in an instant, sat on the ground with a slap, and said dumbly, "What do you want!"

Wuchen shook his head and said, "I don't want to do anything, don't worry, if you answer well, I won't hurt you. If you answer badly, then you have to bear the consequences yourself!"

His words came out, and a smile appeared on his face.

Rasu couldn't help shivering.

With a bit of surprise on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want to know!"

Wuchen smiled and said, "So I want to ask you the first question. The first question is that you have gained your own power here. I am a little curious!"

After hearing this, Lasu replied quickly: "It was the Lord who gave us the power, each of us has that kind of power, and I don't know how it came from, but it was the Lord who gave us the power, I only I saw a ray of light flashing, but my body changed with it!"

After Wuchen heard this, he nodded suddenly and said, "Is that so? Okay, then I'll ask again, has your boss also changed, has he become stronger?"

Hearing this, Lasu nodded and said: "The boss has become able to breathe fire, he is really strong, we couldn't get close to him at the time, but now it seems to be under control, and he won't spray out as soon as he sprays it. A lot of fire..."

Wuchen slowly understood, it should be that the magic of the Holy Master has been strengthened!

So this is how it will be like this, but this is more interesting, this is fun.

With this thought in Wuchen's heart, he couldn't help but draw a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay, then I understand what it means, you can go now!"

When Lasu heard this, his face was full of fear, he nodded quickly, jumped up quickly, and ran quickly!

Wuchen looked at the panic of the figure he left, with a smile on his face. The biggest problem of the weak is that even if he gets power, he is still too weak.

His heart is not strong, on the contrary, the weak are no different from ordinary people. Even if he has obtained strong power, he is still very afraid of danger, and he does not dare to have greater courage to face it. This is the most impressive thing about the weak. That's where the disgust is!

The little snake walked over slowly and looked at him blankly and said, "Why did you let him go? He seems to be a bad person, right? Then why did you let him go?"

Wuchen said: "Is it a good person to steal my things?" ..

122, Difficult to deal with [Second more]

Hearing this, the little snake immediately frowned and said with a snort, "But you still robbed me, the spell was found in the ancient tomb, and it's not yours at all, why? I stole it? There is no owner in that pyramid, there is no owner at all, did I steal something? It was just taking away!"

Wuchen immediately said: "But that doesn't belong to you, that thing doesn't belong to you in the first place, it's someone else's thing, if you steal it, it's stolen, don't you have to make a sophistry?"

The little snake immediately retorted: "But you stole my things just now, is it true? What qualifications do you have to accuse me, you have already committed a crime yourself, but you stole my things, you It's not a policeman, why did you take my things? Hurry up and return them to me!"

When the little snake said this, he immediately showed a proud look, and immediately extended his hand!

When Wuchen heard this, he was stunned. This woman is quite reasonable. He just thought about it, and immediately threw the thoughts out of his head.

Wuchen: "Wait, you shouldn't say something like this, you steal something first, I just grab it back first, every human being has the obligation to maintain the civilization assets that belong to human beings!"

The little snake snorted, put on his hips and said, "Can't I say that I am maintaining it? Why should you only say that you are maintaining the assets of human civilization, if you take it away, you will take it back to the research room for research. , and after I take it away, maybe I will treat these cultural relics better?"

Wuchen rolled his eyes, he didn't want to quarrel with this woman.

Said: "It's pointless to discuss these things, but now I don't care about you anymore. You can leave now. Otherwise, I will call the police. If you call the police, it will be troublesome. You are a thief!"

The little snake snorted and took two steps towards him with his head held high and said, "Then you should call the police, if you have the feeling, call the police!"

After Wuchen heard the words, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Why is this woman so lawless, she thought so in her heart, and immediately frowned: "You woman..."

The little snake had a somewhat smug look on his face, because he knew that the man in front of him would never call the police!

Because this guy just robbed!

Do you want to call the police and arrest yourself?

Wuchen sighed and said, "Forget it, I don't care about you anymore, I'm leaving!"

His words came out, and he turned to leave.

At this time, the little snake stepped forward and said, "Don't you want to arrest me? Why didn't you arrest me? You arrest me if you have the guts, why do you want to leave? You don't mean that I have done something wrong. Have you committed a crime? Then why didn't you call the police!"

Wuchen said with a bit of distress on his face: "Just think I said something wrong, I'm leaving now!"

Having said this, he hurriedly walked forward.

But the little snake stopped him immediately and said, "Because you stole my spell, that's my thing, that's what I brought out of the ancient tomb, that's what I brought out of that dilapidated pyramid, And you stole my stuff!"

Wuchen rolled his eyes involuntarily and said with a wry smile: "I beg you not to speak so loudly, okay? There are people on the street, and I didn't take your things, I took the things in the grave , the things in that pyramid are not yours!"

The pyramid was actually built for a king. In ancient times, kings built mostly tombs.

When the little snake heard this, he immediately said, "It's mine when it's in my hands!"

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