Wuchen immediately noticed that things were a little bad, and said quickly: "You must not try to play those other spells!"

The little snake snorted, turned his head away, and stopped talking.

With a helpless look on Wuchen's face, he said: "Those people in the black hand organization are very powerful, they have very ancient magic, and they are very powerful. If you provoke them, you can only ask for more. Blessed! I can't keep you either!"

The little snake suddenly thought of how cruel the people who came to snatch that curse, their bodies can change, and they have magic power, strong strength and speed, if they really become the target of their eyes , will surely die miserably.

Thinking like this in my heart, I can't help but feel cold.

With a smile on Wuchen's face, he said, "So don't take the idea of ​​those spells lightly! Otherwise, you will die really ugly!"

The little snake still said very stubbornly: "Those things are just cultural relics, they are all things that no one wants, I take them back and they are mine, anyway, next time I will get that spell faster than you, and I will Running faster than you, no one will ever catch me!"

Wuchen smiled, shook his head and said, "Remember to ask for your own blessings!"

The little snake immediately stood up, rolled his eyes, and left the restaurant directly.

Jackie Chan looked at the direction where the snake was leaving, with a smile on his face and said, "It's quite interesting..."

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and said, "What's so interesting?"

Jackie Chan said with a smile, "You and this girl..."

Wuchen rolled his eyes and said, "Don't think too much, we are in a competitive relationship!"

Jackie Chan couldn't help laughing out loud and said, "Okay okay, it's a competition, but don't forget, although we got the snake charm now, we have to find a way to bring it back to San Francisco, otherwise others will come. You can't stop it from robbing us!"

Wuchen thinks this is right. After all, if those things are not put in the 13th area, other people will find them after all, and if you bring them with you, you will provoke the enemy at any time. If you can put them back in the 13th area, they will Not only can't you get the spell, but you can't even find it!

Wuchen said: "That's true, then we have to book a plane ticket and send this thing back first!"

Jackie Chan nodded, but as if he thought of something, he quickly took a leaflet and said, "Look at this, does this look like the cow charm you've seen in the books before, I think It looks very similar!"

Wuchen was stunned when he saw what the bull warrior was wearing on his head. Yes, the bull warrior was also in Mexico, and he had a bull spell on his body, so it was hard to guarantee that he would not be targeted by the black hands. No, you have to get the cow spell back.

With this thought in his heart, he immediately said loudly, "Damn!"

As soon as he said this, he immediately threw down Qian Chenglong and quickly chased after him, and everyone in the restaurant was stunned. Doubtful look.

At this time, the owner of the Chinese restaurant has a deep surprise in his eyes, what's going on?How did these two run so fast, what happened?He thought so in his heart!

And at this time

Dust free runs fast

Jackie Chan chased after him and said, "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

Wuchen said coldly: "It's a big deal, I found the cow spell, and they will definitely grab it, we have to rush there now, otherwise..."

Just looking for me here, he stopped suddenly.

And just in front of a large group of black shadow corps and three groups appeared again.

Wuchen's expression became colder, and looking at the trio in front of him, the expression of the large group of shadow corps became even colder.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Sure enough!"

Jackie Chan involuntarily widened his eyes and said to himself, "Trouble! Too bad!"

He immediately assumed a fighting stance.

Wuchen said coldly: "It's a little troublesome, it seems that they have already set their sights on the spell, the snake spell is in our hands! But the cow spell can't be handed over to them!"

Jackie Chan nodded, and he immediately made up his mind. I saw that he directly blessed the power of the mobile person on his feet, clenched his teeth and jumped up to the roof.

Jackie Chan jumped onto the roof of the private house and charged directly in the direction of the wrestling gym.

He immediately wanted to go after the other members of the Black Shadow Corps.

How could Wuchen let them catch up, with a cold killing intent on his face

Immediately seal the hand.

He shouted loudly: "Mu Dun: The tree world is born!"

The moment the voice fell, his hands clapped on the ground, and those ninjas who wanted to rush up were instantly eliminated by direct hits.


Huge trees grew behind and beside Wuchen, blocking the group of ninjas and those who wanted to chase them.

Suddenly, such a big tree was born on the big tree, and everyone was stunned. ..

124. Interception [Second Update]

Rasu in the three-person organization came out again.

There was a bit of cold murderous aura on his face. In order to wash away his shame, his body became even bigger, and he chose to come out first.

There was a cold murderous look on his face.

His body became about the size of the Hulk, three or four meters tall.

All over the body is dark purple skin.

The face next to it is more brutal.

There was a cold murderous look in his eyes.

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