And everyone on the plane seemed to understand, all of them showed a bit of curiosity, but soon as the plane flew slowly,

The people who were originally curious also fell asleep quickly.

Wuchen was also exhausted to death, and slowly fell asleep.

There are three spells in his arms.

And at this moment, when he was asleep.

in a dream.

He seemed to see something, which made him roll his eyes because he was dreaming.

At this time, there was a snake and a cow in his dream!

The appearance of snakes and cows made Wuchen wake up in a drunken dream.

Although he didn't wake up immediately, he already understood that he should have entered a certain space or something.

He looked at the snake and the cow in the white expanse in front of him.

He froze for a moment.

Soon, he slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment the broadcast came: "Everyone, please, get ready, San Francisco Airport is ahead!"

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but his heart became complicated. It turned out that those things were not just magic spells?

He thought so in his heart, but he quickly put aside those thoughts in his heart, and then helped Dr. Matthews to move the heavy luggage down.

Several people got off the plane together.

The three people without dust just came out of the safe exit tiredly.

at this time.

The voice of the little snake came from behind everyone: "Does anyone want to help a lady carry her and salute?"

There was a large black box behind her, half the height of a person, and it didn't look light.

Dr. Matthews on the side immediately took on the appearance of a gentleman, with a smile on his face, turned around and said, "Of course you can be extremely happy!"

His words came out, a smile appeared on his face, and he was about to walk over.

Wuchen coughed twice and said, "It's not that you are too old, it's not convenient, and your physical strength is not good, let me come!"

As soon as he said his words, he stepped forward and pulled the black box directly into his hand.

Dr. Matthews on the side was not angry, with a faint smile on his face, and there was a bit of ridicule in his eyes.

Jackie Chan laughed.

Wuchen coughed twice.

Jackie Chan pretended to exaggerate and said, "I'm going to take Dr. Matthews back to the university first, so please help this lady with her luggage first!"

After saying this, he and Dr. Matthews left with a mysterious smile.

With a helpless look on Wuchen's face, he turned to look at the little snake.

The little snake snorted and said, "I don't have a place to live..."

After Wuchen heard this, he sighed and said, "Then come with me!"

Hearing this, Xiao She couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. After so many years of his career, someone would actually say this to him. The warmth in his heart slowly spread, and he soon walked out of the airport directly. , after getting on the taxi.

The little snake is waiting in the car, looking at the busy dust-free

Involuntarily, my heart quickened twice. ..

131. Little Snake Walks Together [Second More]

Standing in front of a luxury hotel.

Wuchen looked at the little snake beside him and said, "Is it good here?"

The little snake looked at the luxury hotel in front of him.

He couldn't help but slapped himself on the face, and he made such a wrong decision, knowing that he was a straight man of steel, and even asking him to help him find a hotel.

Don't you know that girls don't like such gaudy places?

in front of the two.

It is a very luxurious hotel, but it looks very cliché. The decoration is simply unsightly. There are neon lights on it, and there are many kinds of suggestive advertisements.

This made the little snake look helpless.

Dust-free is very simple, because it is the closest to the antique store, and the price is cheap!

The little snake smiled bitterly and said, "Can't I find someone better?"

After hearing this, Wuchen said: "But this is the cheapest place here!"

Just after saying this, the little snake's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "You chose the cheap one?"

The little snake sighed with a speechless expression and said, "Forget it, let's go in then!"

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly helped to move the luggage in slowly.

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