And there are a lot of them.

At this moment, the shops are closed in fear.

Wuchen was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the blond man was kicked just now, and the blond man stood up straight and looked at the dust-free

He gritted his teeth and said, "You are very brave, move me? Do you know who I am? I am the boss of this street, do you know who my boss is! Black hand!"

His words came out and he stepped forward and grabbed the dust-free clothes with both hands.

After Wuchen heard this, he cut a disdain and said, "Oh, that's really scary!"

His words directly grabbed the boss's hands with one hand.

The boss was stunned for a while, but he didn't react for a while, and the moment a group of younger brothers didn't react, they saw his fist suddenly punched out, and a punch hit the boss's face, the boss's His hand was also loose, and he was punched again and fell to the side.

With a bang, he fell and fell to the ground.

And this moment.

The large group of younger brothers present were stunned, their eyes were full of surprise, and they swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva involuntarily, and all of them showed a look of surprise.

what happened?Isn't this guy afraid of dying?

And right now.

Wuchen made a call directly.

The phone was quickly connected.

Wuchen said coldly to the other end of the phone: "I'm sorry, I need your help, and now I'll send someone to help me, I'm in Chinatown!"

As soon as he said this, he immediately hung up the phone, and it was naturally Sheriff Black who answered the phone.

Black had no idea what he meant or what he was up to.

But immediately he said loudly: "All the operatives who are not alive, all follow my instructions!"

As soon as the words came out, two armored vehicles were dispatched, and more than 20 people, each of whom brought an automatic rifle and two pistols, and wore a carbon fiber armor!

Soon the sound of the car rang.

The old man stood up slowly, and the large group of younger brothers present were stunned, and the streets were all locked!

At this time, I saw a big bald head leading a large group of people, and quickly jumped out of the car.

And it's fully armed and loaded with live ammunition!

At this moment, Sheriff Black frowned, looking at such a large group of people, his face revealed a bit of doubt, but he already knew it.

No, he was surrounded by the society here?

With this in mind, Sheriff Black quickly asked the operators to open a path!

Straight to the middle.

Wuchen looked at Sheriff Black and said, "This guy is a black hand, investigate him!"

The blond man was stunned for a moment, there was a bit of surprise in his eyes, and he couldn't help but startled!

The man quickly waved his hand to Sheriff Black and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not. I'm very familiar with your chief, and I often drink tea every three days..."

Sheriff Black stepped forward directly, took out a pair of handcuffs from his waist and put them in his hands, saying, "I'm sorry, I don't know the chief, but now it's illegal assemblies and illegal black violent societies. I have accused you of the crime, and I suspect that you have something to do with the legendary black hand, so now please go back to assist us in our investigation, you have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will become evidence in court!"

This is spoken.

The blond and blue-eyed man was immediately startled, and he tried to break free, but was quickly pointed at by two guns.

He knew that if he dared to resist in a big way, he would definitely die, which was ugly.

After all, these police don't care about the lives of the people. What they want is credit, what they want is information, and!

Dare to resist the police, almost want to die!

His lips were trembling, and he said quickly: "I'm sorry, sorry, wow, I was talking nonsense, I really let me go, we just had a little misunderstanding..."

Wuchen snorted and said, "I'm sorry, I don't believe it. Now I'm not suing you, but the public is suing you. Am I right? Sheriff Black?"

Sheriff Black nodded, hummed, and showed his credentials with a serious face and said: "I'm sorry, now please go back with me to investigate, you are still a suspect before the matter is over, and... let your little brother They all put down their weapons, squatted down with their heads held together, and arranged in two sets, without obstructing traffic or causing bad influence!"

As soon as the words came out, the large group of younger brothers were scared and wanted to flee from the bottom, but they soon saw the armored vehicle and a large group of operators.

A large group of people with guns in their hands!

And at this moment, the blond man just wanted to cry. Now he was in trouble, he got a big head, and he even exposed his identity.

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became, but I was helpless.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face, and he said to the blond man, "Young man, admit that you fell down!"

The man was so frightened that his legs trembled and he couldn't say a word.

Sheriff Black turned his head to look at Wuchen and said, "Why do you encounter black hands when you eat here?"

There was some doubt in the words.

Wuchen laughed and said: "I don't know, maybe we are born to attract criminals, no way, I am such a person, but this matter will trouble you, if you investigate it, maybe we can find it their headquarters!"

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