Then his right hand grew out again.

The speed was extremely terrifying, and it was completed in an instant.

Wuchen couldn't help but be surprised, and said with a look of surprise on his face: "So fast! But it doesn't seem to be enough!"

After saying this, a cold look appeared on his face.

Wuchen completed the seal again: "Huo Dun: arrogant fire extinguishes arrows!"

After saying this, he stepped back immediately, and then flames spewed out of his mouth.

A lot of flames spewed out of his mouth.

At this time, Beliyas immediately widened his eyes, snorted coldly, and forcibly took this move with his body, only to hear the sound of a booming explosion, and his body was directly bombed and retreated again!

But even so, he is still not dead! ..

142. The Powerful Belials [First Update]

Wuchen took a deep breath at this moment, he knew this was more troublesome.

But you have to beat this guy.

Thinking like this in my heart, I once again commanded the Orochi Yachi who was recuperating behind him!

The incomparably huge snake immediately froze again, at the same time.

A azure blue light appeared on his body, and he was wearing a prestige outfit!

The giant snake covered Susanoo's power.

Biting directly towards Belials.

Bellas saw snakes biting at him one after another, but it was completely boring, with a sneer on his face, and suddenly swept out with a sword.

The Orochi Baqi was directly slashed by this sword, and the sound of a bang sounded, and it was directly chopped off more than half.

And at this time can only wait for a slow rebirth.

Wu Chen took a deep breath, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Involuntarily, there were a few solemn expressions in his eyes.

As soon as he bit his teeth, he bit his fingers and clapped his palms on the ground, shouting loudly, "The Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

This speaks to an immeasurable number of snakes appearing at once in 4 weeks.

One after another, the snake has a sword in its mouth

The light flickered under the moonlight, and the snakes charged directly towards Belials.

At this moment, the 4-person group hurriedly ran, their eyes were full of horror, and all of them showed a look of horror, what are those things, how can there be so many snakes?

Ah, the faces of the four or four people were full of horror, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

At this time, Belias smiled disdainfully, but at this moment he couldn't help being stunned, and found that there were snakes all around him, and he had been surrounded by snakes.

what happened?There was surprise in his heart.

When Wuchen saw his appearance at this time, he snorted coldly, and his hands were sealed.

Only to hear him shout loudly at this time: "Lei Dun: Go!"

After saying this, he slapped his hands directly on the ground, and suddenly the sound of thunder and lightning crackled, and immediately made him go numb. Although it was only three or four seconds, it was enough opportunity. The snake pounced directly on him, entangling his entire body.

With a surprised look on Bellas' face, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Wuchen took a deep breath, and chakra was condensed in his palm.

Only to hear him shout loudly: "Coral Palm!"

His words leaped out and suddenly slapped him on the body.

At this moment, coral grew between Belials' body.

He was very surprised.

Wuchen quickly took a dozen steps back, and this was his breath. There was a bit of solemn expression in his eyes. This guy is really hard to deal with!

I thought so in my heart.

Bellias gritted his teeth and widened his eyes. His eyes were full of cold murderous intent and he said, "You want to kill me with a little trick, so kill me!"

The moment his words should be said, there was a direct click, and those mountains and lakes were corroded by his dark power and all melted.

With a look of disdain on Wuchen's face, he said: "I probably know the source of your power, now you are finished!"

His voice showed a bit of smugness when he said this, because he really explored it!

The reason why I didn't dare to use too much power just now was because the power of this call was unfathomable, but because of the contact with that palm just now!

I have felt the power in it through Chakra at the same time. It turns out that the power in its body does not exist in this world, but is continuously transmitted by means of a certain medium in this world, that is, It is said that as long as the channel that it is transmitted from is destroyed, it will be fine.

Wuchen thought so in his heart, although he knew that this would cure the symptoms but not the root cause, but he had to get rid of him first.

Thinking like this, I took a deep breath.

Finished printing.

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