When Wuchen heard this, he felt that it was impossible, and immediately rushed out!

He rushed into the house and rummaged through the boxes. After searching for a long time, he walked out slowly and dejectedly.

He rolled his eyes speechlessly.

And at this moment, Jackie Chan laughed.

Wuchen said: "You bastard let us run for nothing!"

After Jackie Chan heard these words, he smiled bitterly and said, "Then what should we do now?"

Wuchen said helplessly: "Return without success!"

When Jackie Chan heard this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Can you go and get it back?"

Wuchen shook his head and replied with a wry smile: "Impossible, they asked me to fight outside the door just now, I thought I could handle it, so I didn't wake you up, but I didn't expect them to use a trick! Pretend to fight with me outside the door, but I didn't expect that someone had already sent in and stole the spell, and now I can't catch up, so I have to go back first!"

Jackie Chan nodded.

Just at this time, the sky has just turned white.

The two walked slowly towards the airport.

Soon, the two arrived at the airport.

It is logical to have a breakfast and then get on the plane.

Dust-free two people sitting on the plane.


Wuchen looked at Jackie Chan helplessly and said, "Don't be so negligent next time, you guy, so that we've made another trip in vain now, so we can only go back!"

Jackie Chan is also very distressed and said: "Okay!"

After these words were spoken, the plane of the two flew directly, and the two also fell into sleep.

As time passed, it was evening.

The two finally arrived at the San Francisco airport.

The two walked away from the airport with a sleepy look on their faces, got off the plane and walked out of the airport.

in sight.

Brings out a bit of exhaustion.

After all, I didn't get anything, and I still got nothing, who is not angry, who is not tired? !

The dust-free two quickly walked to the road.

The two just got into the car.

Wuchen suddenly felt a strange breath, which made him frown.

He took a deep breath and said quickly, "Stop!"

Jackie Chan was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "What's wrong?"

The taxi also stopped quickly.

Wuchen said coldly: "You go back first, I have some people to deal with!"

After his words came out, he pushed open the car door and left. At this time, Jackie Chan wanted to chase after him, but he looked anxious.

And he had already told himself to go back early, so he had to say, "Go back first!"

The taxi driver had a strange look on his face, but quickly started the car.

After Wuchen got out of the car directly, he was looking for the strange atmosphere. At this moment, his perception ability completely returned, and he opened his eyes. As if searching around quickly, he found a large building behind the airport. A lot of open space, the large open space that is close to the beach.

At this moment, there is a strange energy emitting.

Wuchen coldly snorted thunder, and his body turned into a gust of wind to travel through the air, and with a slam, he immediately went directly to the large open space.

He had just arrived at the large open space, and he looked towards 4 weeks. This is outside the wilderness, how could there be such energy?With this thought in his heart, he continued to look around. Soon, he realized that the source of the energy came from the center of this large open space.

He walked over slowly and saw that there was a small bead in the center at this moment. He lowered his head and picked up the bead. At this moment, a strange bead appeared behind him. the sound of.

The voice was hoarse and terrifying.

"Hello! Sir!"

Wuchen turned around suddenly, stunned involuntarily, and what appeared in front of him was Wallon

But at this moment, it is no longer what he imagined.

Wallon's appearance has already changed at this time!

Although his face has not changed, at this moment there is an evil aura all over his body, and he is wearing a big robe that looks like a god's crown.

Holding a bright sword in his hand.

There was a faint light on the sword, and it was a blood-dark light wafting out!

Wallon looked at the dust-free in front of him coldly

Said: "My partner wanted me to kill you, so here I am, that bead I put there waiting for you!"

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