In an instant, two blood-red rays of light flew out of his hands.

Wuchen saw the two daggers flying over!

Immediately after the completion of the seal with both hands, he suddenly slapped the ground and shouted loudly: Mu Dun: The flower tree world is born! "

The words fell, and the hands spread out in an instant, and then a huge tree appeared in pain.

He pushed his hands forward, and the trees immediately rushed out, knocking the two daggers into the air.

But at this moment, Astros was as fast as a gust of wind, and he caught the two daggers in an instant, and then his body spun away, and a whirlwind was released from itself, and the sound of those trees clacked. up.

There was a cold smile on Wuchen's face, and he saw two huge flowers blooming slowly, and then he quickly stepped back, and a blue light appeared on his body again, and his The eyes quickly turned into a kaleidoscope!

He shouted loudly, "Huo Dun: Extinguish the fire!"

In the moment when these words came out, there was a sudden spray from the sky, and then at this moment.

The moment of dust-free landing.

Immediately, he started Ninjutsu again.

He roared loudly, "Tu Dun: Earth Dragon Bomb!"

Before the words fell, a dragon head spewed out rocks, which merged with the flames to form lava falling rocks!

among the trees

The power of Astros is flying, but he can only hide in embarrassment at this time, and the burning stones keep falling from the sky.

There was a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

Wuchen strikes again.

directly to the seal

He shouted loudly: "Water Escape: Big burst of water!"

Immediately after this sentence and the fall, a huge amount of water was spit out from the mouth. The moment the water wave was spit out from the mouth, only the sound of clattering rushed out.

in an instant.

The water rushed directly to Astros.

There was a look of amazement on Astros' face, this guy.

Can you use so many kinds of magic?What is he like?How can you use so many kinds of magic?I am amazed in my heart, even a real great magus can't mix so many kinds of magic, right? !

When surprised.

Wuchen would surprise him even more.

A cold snort appeared on his face.

Immediately reprint.

He shouted loudly: "Lei Dun: Pseudo-Darkness!"

The instant he said this, golden-white lightning spewed out of his mouth.

At the moment when the lightning of Jinbai Rabbit spewed out of his mouth, Astros was already impulsive by the water, and his body was directly rushed back, and then the lightning and the water combined, and it turned into lightning in an instant. The dragon rushed out.

Astros widened his eyes, this guy will also cooperate with each other with magic.

Wuchen seals again: "Lei Dun: Gratitude Wave!"

The moment he said these words, his hands formed fists, and in that moment, he saw light appearing again in his hands, and the light of thunder and lightning rushed out along the huge water thunder dragon.

Astros was directly hit by two attacks, referring to quickly retreating. He gritted his teeth and immediately found that his body became weaker. Although he was hit by so many magic, it should not be like this. Son, Astros thought so in his heart, a stunned nerve appeared on his face, and he couldn't figure it out for a while, and involuntarily narrowed his eyes slightly, and he felt a little panic in his heart.

what happened?Why is this happening?

Surprised in his heart, he could not help frowning, gritted his teeth, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wuchen looked at his appearance and said, "You don't know, have you seen those two flowers?"

Astros was stunned for a moment, and looked at the two flowers that were exuding a faint yellow radiance at this time. He instantly understood that it was the pollen of those two flowers that caused him to be weak at this time. It turned out to be poison. !

A cold smile appeared on Wuchen's face, and he said, "Those pollen will make your body gradually... lose the power to resist, because it will numb your body!"

When Astros heard this, he straightened his body coldly, clenched the two knives in his hand, and said, "It doesn't work for me!"

His words came out and the dark energy was forcibly extracted from the body. Although this body was not his own, the quality of Astros was powerful, and the pollen was expelled from the body in an instant.

At this time, he said coldly: "I can't beat me with this strength!"

After hearing this sentence, Wuchen said: "Oh? Well, let's try this trick again!"

The moment his words came out.

He has completed the seal: "Fire Escape: Storm Dance!"

The words fell, and I saw only a ring of fire, and rushed out!

Just then.

Astros involuntarily sucked in a breath of cold air. Seeing that the ring of flame grass smashed over by himself, he snorted and spun his body directly. At the same time, blood-red traces appeared on the two knives. The blood-red dragon surrounded his body, turning into a huge tornado and rushing out.

The ring of fire collided with the tornado, and only the sound of a booming explosion was heard, and the collision of the two forces caused frantic energy to wander around.

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