An expression of interest suddenly appeared on his face, like a stray wild cat, and there was also a bit of interest in his general eyes.

At the same time, looking at the dust-free

Wuchen met her gaze.

He quickly took two steps back for a while. He knew that this woman was first-rate in her use of poison, and her fighting skills were also very strong. If this woman had a fight with him, he might be able to win, but it was definitely not easy. Because this woman's physical skills are not bad, she will use poison, and there are all kinds of organs that emerge in an endless stream!

Paris laughed and said, "Does the interesting guy tell me what is so special about this earth here?"

Wuchen said distressedly: "This question is difficult to explain to you, but the only thing I can warn you now is not to break the law. The only taboo here is to obey the law, otherwise someone will arrest you!"

Paris heard this and said with disdain: "When I was in Arad..."

Wuchen immediately said: "That's Arad, here is the earth and Arad's rules are different. What is required here is stable development, and no troublemakers will be allowed to appear! Get it!"

After Paris heard this, she frowned and said, "Okay, let's listen to you first, but are you here too? Or an aboriginal?"

Wuchen couldn't help but feel distressed in the face of so many problems, but now he has settled this woman, otherwise it will be troublesome if something goes wrong here, and! :

Who knows if there will be more people from other time and space rushing over?

The more chaotic this time and space is, the more trouble it will bring to him, and he is very distressed!

It's better to settle this woman first!

Don't let this woman make the world's time and space more chaotic, otherwise your life will be messed up again, this is not what you want!

With this thought in Wuchen's heart, he sighed and said, "Don't talk so much, are you hungry? How about we go eat something?"

Paris said blankly: "It's okay, that's okay too!" ..

148. Super big foodie [second more]

Inside a restaurant.

in a corner

One table was all stacked with food.

Paris has changed clothes

Eat and drink.

Paris at this time

He was wearing a pair of fit jeans and a white T-shirt.

It looks very normal.

But eating at this time is completely abnormal.

Paris's appetite is terrifying!

I eat without looking at anyone's face at all.

The big chicken leg bites up when I hold it in my hand, and the steak is not cut at all, just put it in my mouth and chew it!

Wuchen's face is full of surprise, this woman looks so beautiful, and she eats so fiercely, she is even more terrifying than herself, she is like a beast!

He involuntarily widened his eyes, startled.

Swallow a mouthful of nervous saliva.

Seeing him like this, Paris rolled her eyes and said, "Have you ever seen a woman eat?"

As soon as he said this, he immediately took a sip of wine and drank it gurgly.

Her hair was still in a bun.

didn't put it down directly.

Wuchen couldn't help but guess a little, this woman wouldn't have hidden weapons in her hair, he remembered that this woman's profession in the game was a poison king with hidden weapons all over her body

Paris gulped down a large bottle of red wine with a thud.

caught the attention of the entire restaurant.

Everyone was startled at this time.

What's the matter with this woman?Eat like a beast in transit!

Wuchen sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Can't you restrain yourself? Everyone is watching!"

Paris said without fear: "So what, just watch it, I don't care!"

There was an expression of complete indifference in the words.

Wuchen took a breath, looked at the food residue, and took a bite of the noodles on his plate.

Said: "So I have answered all your questions, but you have to follow the rules and absolutely can't do too many things, otherwise..."

Paris nodded, stood up and wiped her mouth and said, "I know, it's really long-winded to die, are you really a man? You're obviously long-winded like a woman!"

When he said this, he planned to leave, and he even picked up a shopping bag behind him. The bag contained the original clothes and the pair of gauntlets with many organs!

Seeing that the woman was finally leaving, Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly called the waiter.

Paris was about to leave, but she quickly sat down and said, "I don't have any money on me now, do you have any money?"

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