These words said 5 energy convergence, and suddenly slapped it out.

Jig snorted and flashed to the side, and the palm hit the beach beside him.

with a snap.

This palm hit the coconut tree beside him, causing the coconut tree to explode directly!

Nangong Hen laughed loudly, and his body was even beside him!

Seeing that he had already flown to his side, Jig wanted to draw his sword, but at this time, he saw that the series of attacks had already arrived in front of him!

His kung fu was originally on the knife, but at this time he was forced back by the series of attacks!

Rewind 10 steps in a row, this is the dodging attack.

Nangong Hen said with a sense of disappointment: "I didn't expect you to retire?"

Although Jig's body size is not bad, he is still a mage in the final analysis. After all, his position as a priest has not been lost.


I didn't know what the situation was, and it was too late to draw the knife just now, so naturally I didn't make another move.

He said, "I have no grudges with you, so why should I have to live and die with you? I haven't had time to understand where this place is... I..."

Nangong Hen said immediately after hearing these words: "Then I want to kill you now, will you do it?"

Jig was stunned for a moment, but he immediately showed murderous aura. Although he didn't like killing people casually, since this guy is entangled, let's kill him first.

With this thought in my heart, I immediately drew the knife out of its sheath, and the ice blue blade appeared.

He said coldly: "If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Nangong Hen laughed loudly, and his whole body trembled.

He immediately took a step forward.

The right hand lifts the power.

Infuriating soaring!

He shouted in a low voice, "Then let's try it!"

The moment the words fell, the body instantly rushed forward.

Jig immediately picked up the long knife and slashed over.

He didn't expect it at all.

Nangong Hate's moves were very barbaric, and the wild slapped his knife with one hand.

The fleshy palm collided with the knife, but the sound of metal came!

The tinkling sound rang out, and there was that spark!

Jig couldn't figure it out for a while, is this guy's hand forged from steel?how……

Thinking like this, I couldn't help being distracted.

Nangong Heen's big school bus seized the opportunity, his palms danced suddenly, and he shouted: "Angry horses pass!"

As soon as the voice fell, his fists suddenly moved so fast that Jig didn't have time to react, and he was hit several times by his body.

The fists and palms hit him, and there was a crackling sound.

Jig didn't have time to raise his strength, and was beaten back a dozen steps in an embarrassing manner. Only then did he stabilize his body, but soon a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

The knife supported his body.

It didn't fall down.

His eyes are full of horror, this guy's speed and strength are amazing, and his hands seem to be made of steel, usually even his own knife can't hurt him at all!

Coming up to kill, what is this guy thinking? !

Nangong hated seeing that he was already seriously injured, and frowned in disappointment and said, "I thought your strength was not bad, and your skills must be very good, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable, it makes people feel bad. Disappointed!"

He shook his hand, and immediately took out the yin and yang fan.

Fanning himself, he shook his head and sighed, with a helpless look on his face. ..

166, Yamazaki Ryuji [fourth more]

Wuchen and the two were walking on the deserted road to the east coast at this time.

at this time.

Just as the two were walking all the way forward.

Only a rumbling sound was heard.

dust free

He turned his head to look helplessly.

Paris also turned to look.

And this time appeared behind the two.

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