Yamazaki Ryuji said coldly and madly: "Although I don't know who you are, it's right to kill you. You attacked me with fire just now, right? The fire attack is really interesting, you remind me of it very interesting. The guy, but I have to kill you first before I go to find that guy!"

Two knives appeared in his hands immediately.

When he laughed, he leaned forward and rushed straight forward.

Dust-free back and fast back.

two knives

It didn't hurt him, but he couldn't help but be surprised, this guy's speed is really fast enough.

Snorted coldly.

Immediately kicked out.

This kick just hit Yamazaki Ryuji's hands.

After he was kicked in both hands, he suddenly broke away from the two knives, and was kicked out with a snap.

He shook his hand and said coldly, "A little interesting guy!"

Wuchen was slightly interested, with a smile on his face.

But this is supposed to come by accident, it can't be passed through on his own, that's unlikely, not realistic, right?

This guy's strength is still...

I was just thinking about this.

Yamazaki Ryuji laughed and said, "That's why it's worth my effort!"

The moment his words came out, he stepped back slightly, and immediately his right hand was in the air with me. The clothes on his right hand shattered with a click, and he grabbed it abruptly!

It's a knife!

A purple sword.

Holding the knife, he said with a bit of madness on his face: "Come on!"

There was a thick madness in his words, and a purple mist floated over his body.

Wuchen couldn't help but widen his eyes, is this guy also...

It looks like he's got a ghost on him.

Thinking so in my heart, I narrowed my eyes slightly.

Turning back, he said to Paris, who was not far away: "Leave here and hurry to the east coast. Maybe something big has happened on the east coast, so you can't be delayed here!"

Paris was a little worried when she heard this, nodded quickly, and hurried towards the east coast.

Wuchen snorted coldly.

Looking at Yamazaki Ryuji in front of him

Heart can not help but have no bottom.

This guy is not weak, it has been strengthened now, and it is obvious that someone is behind it!

Obviously not good.

Wuchen couldn't help but feel tricky in his heart!

He looked at Yamazaki Ryuji coldly and said, "Where did you come from?"

Yamazaki Ryuji looked at him coldly and said, "You don't care where I come from, but you damn guy is interesting! That guy said he would find me a decent opponent, and sure enough, you are a decent opponent!"

Wuchen could hear this, cut it out and said, "It's interesting, right? I'll show you what it means to be interesting!"

His words were spoken.

end print

He shouted loudly: "Huo Dun: Fire Dragon Fire Bomb!"

The words said an incandescent flame, which was sprayed directly from the mouth.

The incandescent flames represented extremely terrifying high temperatures.

The extremely high temperature flame spewed out of his mouth in an instant.

And this moment.

Yamazaki Ryuji was completely boring, holding a knife in one hand, he slashed down suddenly.

Facing the flames sprayed, he just slashed it down and laughed loudly, and then the whole flame was split apart by his huge sword energy in an instant, and rushed to both sides!

He laughed and said, "Come on!"

Immediately afterwards, the body rushed forward again.

The knife in his hand was raised even higher.

Wuchen flew back and stepped back.

The moment you step back, the seal is re-finished

He shouted in a low voice, "Huo Dun: Ash accumulation and burning!"

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