With a little helplessness in my heart, I didn't expect that he would really get it out, but there is no way, we have to get it done first!

Thinking like this in my heart, my heart is ruthless.

Snorted coldly.

Hand seal!

The energy was condensed in an instant.

He only heard him shouting loudly: "Array of Ten Thousand Snake Luos!"

After saying this, countless snakes appeared from his hands, and immediately formed an incomparably huge wave of snakes!

The huge monstrous wave composed of countless snakes rushed directly towards the Yaqi Orochi.

Yamazaki Ryuji is on top of the head in the middle of the Orochi at this time.

With a large sword in his hand, he looked at the formation of the Thousand Snakes, which was bigger than the Orochi Orochi that he had summoned.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

The eyes were full of surprise.

Said: "You guy...you really play with snakes!"

Wuchen snorted coldly.

Immediately after, one snake after another rushed to him.

The snakes kept spewing swords out of their mouths.

But it didn't do much.

Orochi is the ancestor of snakes after all!

Very powerful, one after another snake head on the body

Immediately moved, and after those snakes rushed to the body, they were immediately wiped out.

Wuchen stared at all this coldly. He was not in a hurry, but just used this trick to consume Yamazaki Ryuji's power.

That guy's body has a lot of energy, so he must consume the same amount of energy first, otherwise the fight will never end!

At this time, after Yamazaki Ryuuji eliminated the formation of the Ten Thousand Snake Luos, he covered his face and laughed wildly: "With such a little strength, how dare you... dare to be mad in front of me, I'm really laughing to death! "

His words were full of arrogance, and his face was full of smiles.

Seeing that he laughed so exaggeratedly, Wuchen said coldly: "I like to laugh so much, so you can't laugh!"

His words came out.

Susanoo changed again immediately.

Followed by.

directly into the final form.

Susanoo is hundreds of meters high

Just beat the Orochi!

The Orochi Orochi didn't have time to see clearly.

In an instant, Susanoo was even more noble than Orochi.

Yamazaki Ryuji swallowed his nervous saliva involuntarily, and looked at Susanoo in front of him, who was wearing armor and armour and pointed at the samurai sword.

The blue giant gave him a lot of psychological pressure, but he immediately let out a disdainful snort and said, "It's just a little bigger, why should I kill you first!"

His words immediately commanded the huge snake that was born.

Orochimaru is no joke, it immediately starts to get bigger.

Dust-free doesn't care at all.

Coldly driving Susanoh

Taking a deep breath, he pulled out the knife.

The samurai sword slashed with a bang in an instant.

The huge knife gas is sent directly!

Followed by.

Orochi's growing body was cut in half with a knife.

Yamazaki Ryuji also took advantage of the situation and fell directly.

His face was full of surprise, and he couldn't help swallowing nervous saliva.

Wuchen snorted coldly.

There was a slightly disdainful look on his face.

Susanoo gradually became smaller.

And Orochi's body is still recovering.

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