Ah Fu was stunned for a moment, the knife in his hand fell to the ground in an instant, and there was no way to resist!

He roared loudly at this time, but it didn't work.

It doesn't matter if there is no dust, he gave him a blank look.

Leap out.

Wa Long didn't expect his speed to be so fast, he was startled all of a sudden, he turned around and stabbed with a sword!

But right now.

Wuchen snorted coldly.

Eyes widened.

I saw that his right hand was directly facing Wallon.

He shouted loudly, "Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

In an instant, a snake appeared in his hand.

One snake after another flew out of his hand, and in an instant, the sword that stabbed at it was bitten and broken!

It's the moment that entangles Wallon.

It was like a rope in an instant, and he was entangled in an instant.

Wallon was completely unable to move at once, and was stunned in place for a while!

Hardly can't say a word.

And just at this moment, that large group of police also came around!

The police led by Sheriff Black quickly surrounded him, with a smug look on their faces, and hehe laughed.

But Sheriff Black also knew in his heart that he was a big bargain.

But he couldn't be happy yet.

Just at this time.

Wallon suddenly rumbled, and an astonishing power erupted from his body.

There was a surprised look on Wuchen's face.

Look down.

The spells he put in his pocket moved at this time!

what happened?This time it sucks!

He thought so in his heart.

I saw a swishing sound in the sky, and a streamer splashed out.

Wuchen's eyes were full of surprise, and now the problem was big, and what happened, he was also panicked.

He shouted loudly: "All retreat!"

As soon as his voice fell, everyone believed it very much, and he hurriedly dodged to the side, not knowing what happened!

And this time.

The light on Wallon and the power on Ah Fu all flew out, and they rushed into the sky in an instant. At this time, the sun above the sky was completely covered by this violent light wave.

The powerful light wave made everyone withdraw. Only Wuchen was standing in front of the huge flame of light at this moment, his eyes were full of surprise, and he didn't understand what happened, but he knew that this was definitely not a good thing, absolutely A big bad thing.

He thought so in his mind.

At this time, Wallon only felt pain all over his body.

He gritted his teeth, and quickly got up and ran towards the door.

Because the violent light wave covered the sun's rays, everyone felt dazzling, and no one noticed that Wallon was running away!

Fu was suppressed under the torii.


it's getting cold

Wuchen was not someone who wanted to kill, so he snorted coldly and pulled the torii away.

Ah Fu hurriedly ran away at this time, and this was the way to escape.

Wuchen stepped back two or three steps and said to everyone behind him without looking back: "Run, run!"

Before he had time to do anything, he immediately saw the pile of pizza, with black and white light wafting from the center, rushing into the sky and merging with the light group.

Wuchen has his own breath, and his face is full of surprise. Now the problem is big.

He thought so in his heart, he thought he could rewrite this matter, but he didn't expect something to happen!

Just thought so.

Immediately in the light group, only the sound of a huge dragon roar could be heard!

The sound of a huge dragon roar came out from the light group, and a huge dragon head appeared directly in the light group. The extremely terrifying wings, as well as the tall body and the powerful magic power, shocked all directions!

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